𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 52.

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She was walking around for a bit, not being able to fall asleep but that was nothing new. A cold gentle wind surrounded her as she sucked in the fresh night air with her eyes closed. There was dead darkness all around her. Only a few laughs from the inside could be heard. They were having fun, talking and laughing. She rolled her eyes, finding every single laugh annoying as hell.

She tried to find the neutral in the situation.

It's like guarding the base at night Cyra, she kept telling herself.

She was imagining herself walking through the cold hallways at night, looking for any noise or sight. Having to be vigilant and quick.

She sat back down on the box with a heavy sigh. She looked up at the sky full of stars when she heard them laugh again. She gnashed her teeth but then she realized, who was she to be mad?

She knew she didn't deserve any of that. A happy family, friends. She never had that. She wasn't born for that. Something like that just wasn't for her.

Cyra's flashback

She watched her body fall right next to her feet. The girl's body was completely crushed. Cyra had broken her bones and kicked the sledge out of her mouth. The girl was a spy from S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Otlichno" (excelent)
Dmitrij called out from behind her.

She stood straight with her head high.

"You have a few more missions this month." Dmitrij said as he ordered few of the soldiers to clean up the mess Cyra had left there.

"Ya gotov otets." (I'm ready father.)

Present time
The next morning

The rising sun woke her up. She was sitting down with her head resting against another box.

She looked around herself and it seemed like no one was up yet.

She waited for a few more minutes when suddenly Sarah stepped out with the boys. They saw Cyra as the taller one shouted, "Yoo she has one too!" He pointed at her arm and as they were about to ran up to her Sarah grabbed them by their shirts from behind and pulled them back to her. She scanned Cyra as they walked past her, keeping a pretty big distance and then they walked to the back, dissapearing from Cyra's sight.

"Fucking kids." She groaned and stood up , deciding to go take a shower and change her clothes while Sarah's not there. If she could, she would probably already snap her neck. But she knew both Bucky and Sam wouldn't be too happy with that so she had to put her temper aside. As always.

After a few minutes she stepped back out, seeing Bucky and Sam already working on something while Sarah and the boys where right next to them. Once again they were laughing and talking like before.

Cyra walked past them without looking at them as she walked to the back of the boat.


"What's going on between you two?" Sam asked Bucky when Sarah and the boys left.

Bucky took a deep breath, looking annoyed as hell just from hearing that question. "Nothing." He casually shook his head and got back to working, completely ignoring him as Sam decided not to push him into giving him an answer.

" He casually shook his head and got back to working, completely ignoring him as Sam decided not to push him into giving him an answer

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The day went by pretty slow. Cyra noticed Bucky glance at her multiple times during the day but he never even spoke to her. Sarah was always on his ass, following him everywhere like a puppy but he definitely didn't seem to mind. And she thought maybe that's what he deserves. Someone like Sarah, so innocent and happy. Maybe this is where he belongs.

There was also multiple people running around and helping out with the boat while Cyra mostly stayed in the shadows.

"Dinner's ready." Sarah called out bringing the plates outside.

Sam waved at Cyra to come and eat too. She didn't really wanna go but she was way too hungry. She walked up to the table while everyone was already sitting down. The kids were far away from her of course and the only free seat was next to Bucky.

She sat down.

Sarah placed the first plate in front of Cyra and just as she did, without even realizing it Cyra grabbed the plate and slid it in front of Bucky.

Sam looked at them, confused.

Bucky's heart ached from the sudden gesture. "Cyra..." He spoke with his eyebrows furrowed. "There's enough for both of us." He spoke and slid it back in front of her as he fought the urge to take her hand and look into her eyes. He remembered all the times she'd bring him food. Her food. She'd risk everything just for him.

Cyra was staring at the plate blankly for a few seconds until she unexpectedly stood up and walked away. It was too much for her. She also remembered those times. Maybe leaving the table was a weak moment but she didn't really feel like staying in their presence anymore. The past was creeping up on her everywhere.

"Cyra." Sam called out from behind her as he followed her to the back of the boat.

She didn't even turn around to face him as she stared back into the darkness. All the people started slowly leaving since it was getting late again.

"I talked to Sarah again today. Come sleep inside. She just needed time to process it all." He demanded and she finally turned around to face him. One of many things she was good at was reading people and she could tell he felt sorry. His eyes were apologizing but she had no time for pity.

"Go inside Sam." She spoke with a hard voice and kept on walking, leaving him stand there.


It was night again and Cyra was already half asleep, laying on some wooden boards she found.
This night was even colder than the night before but it was nothing she couldn't handle.

Suddenly her whole body stiffened when she heard footsteps but she didn't move.

She could smell the familiar scent.

After a few seconds she could feel someone lay behind her as a pair of strong arms wrapped around her body, keeping her warm and she didn't even know how or when she drifted off to sleep.

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