𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 38.

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"Cyra? Cyra Volkov is here?" Nagel asked, all happy.

"You know her?" Sam asked him.

"I was the one who got her out the freeze. I'd hope she'd keep her promise and protect me, but since you're here, of course she won't." He glared at Bucky. Bucky just squinted his eyes in anger before he walked up to him and grabbed him before he sat him in a chair aggressively and pulled out a gun, holding it up to his head.

Soon they could hear the gunshots and muffled screams outside of the container.

They were waiting for Nagel to speak up but he stayed silent. Bucky ran out of patience and moved the gun a little as he pulled the trigger to warn him.

 Bucky ran out of patience and moved the gun a little as he pulled the trigger to warn him

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Nagel jumped from his seat since the gunshot suprised and scared him.

"Okay okay.. I was brought into HYDRA'S Winter Soldier program to pick up their work after the five failed  test subjects. When HYDRA fell, I was recruited by the CIA, they had blood samples from an American test subject with semi stable traces of serum in his system. After much labour, I was able to isolate the necessary compounds in his blood. I, was a god. I did what no other scientists since Erskin was able to do but mine was going to be different, no machines or jacked up bodies, mine was going to be subtle, optimised, perfect."

"How did we never hear about this?" Sam mumbled.

"Because before I was able to complete my work I turned to dust. Then when I returned, it was five years later. Program had been abandoned and then I came here."

"How many ampoules did you make?" Sam asked.

"Twenty. Karli Morgenthau stole those so, I can only imagine what the Power Broker has planned for that poor girl."

"Where is Karli now?"

"I don't know where she is. But a couple of days before she called and asked if I could help someone named Donya Medani. Poor woman has tuberculosis. Typical for overpopulation in displacement camps like that."

Menawhile Zemo was walking around the lab, looking around.

"Well what happened to her?" Sam seemed concerned even but Nagel just shrugged, "Not my pig not my farm."

"Is there any serum in this lab?" Bucky asked but Nagel just suspiciously looked at him so he poked his head with the gun. Nagel took a deep breath befor answering,



Cyra was killing them with ease. She stole one's gun as she threw his dead body on the ground. Another came from behind her trying to stab her with a knife but she kicked him, breaking his ribs and as he let go of the knife she caught it and threw it at another hunter that was running towards her. She looked behind her seeing how someone  slammed Sharon's body into the container knocking the air out of her lungs. It took Cyra only a second to get there. She shot him in the head from behind and grabbed Sharon picking her up.

"Get out of my way suka." (Bitch)

She groaned and opened the container where Bucky Zemo and Sam was and threw Sharon inside before she continued killing all the others and there was still more of them coming.

"Guys we're seriously out of time here. The hunters are bringing too much attention." Sharon shouted  as she ran to the lab and just as she said that Zemo pulled out a gun and shot right through Nagel's brain.

"No!" Sam screamed and grabbed Zemo.

"What did you do?" Sharon asked breathing heavily and Bucky just stood there, looking at the blood rushing from Nagel's head when eveything suddenly blew up.

They flew to the ground and fire was everywhere. Alarm has been set off as  all four of them groaned in pain. Zemo was the first to run away and then Bucky stood up.

"Did anybody see Zemo?" Sam asked struggling to get up on his feet.

Bucky picked him up and then Sharon, pushing them forward so they could get out of there.

The container couldn't take it anymore as a bug explosion went off but they managed to get out just a second before it happened.

"Alright wait for my signal!" Bucky screames but Sam started shooting right away.

"Dammit." Bucky cursed and there was nothing else to do but to start shooting too. There was smoke evrywhere when Bucky noticed Cyra a bit far away from them dealing with five other hunters.

"I thought we were gonna go left!" Bucky screamed at Sam.

"You went the wrong way!"

"I cleared the way!! And where are we now?!" They started screaming at each other as Sharon tried to stop them while she kept shooting.

When Cyra was done with those five hunters she looked up, noticing Zemo with a mask on his face on top of one of the containers. She realized what he was about to do.

Cyra sprinted to Bucky Zemo and Sharon where they were shooting more hunters and as Cyra got there she barged into them as they flew towards the large water pipe. Zemo shot it once and it immediately created an explosion, killing everything that was near.

He then jumped down and both him and Cyra killed another men that just ran up there.

The three of them were just watching them and then Bucky grabbed Sharon. "Go."

"Let's go!" Sharon screamed as she, Zemo and Bucky started running to one side. They were walking through when they saw another two hunters.

Sharon and Sam managed to get inside of the containers but Bucky tore of some roll and hit one of them with it before he threw it at the second one and the roll went all through his shoulder. Bucky groaned in anger and went after Sharon and Zemo. They walked to the other side as Bucky punched the door making them fly open where Zemo was already waiting for them in some fancy car.

All three of them looked confused and Bucky's eyes searched for Cyra. She was walking towards them with her left hand injured from the explosion but it was nothing too serious and her dress were damaged.

"You're going back to jail." Sam declared, threatening Zemo.

"Do you want to find Karli or not?"

"He's right. We need him. And there's two of us and there's twenty of them c'mon." Bucky was on Zemo's side as he stepped into the car.

" Bucky was on Zemo's side as he stepped into the car

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"Fine. But if you try that shit again." Sam warned Zemo and got into the car too.

Sharon closed the door behind him.

"Come back to the states with us." Sam told her but she shook her head, "I told you I can't. Just clear my name and that's all I need." She said and started walking away. "Thanks for everything." Sam called out and noticed Cyra standing in front of the car, "And what are you waiting for, we need you too." Sam said making Cyra roll her eyes as she walked over and jumped in next to Sam.

Sam tapped Bucky's shoulder. "She's not gonna kill me is she?"

"I don't know, you'll see." Bucky replied casually.

HYDRA'S Killer duo | 𝑩𝒖𝒄𝒌𝒚 𝑩𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒆𝒔 Where stories live. Discover now