𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 43.

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"So after all these years you finally got laid huh?" Sam chuckled making Zemo grin.

"Can you not?" Bucky frowned at him and rolled his eyes. He was sitting on the couch while Sam and Zemo were sitting at the bar.

"When are we leaving?" Bucky asked looking at Zemo.

"In an hour."


Cyra slowly opened her eyes,looking around. She looked next to her expecting to see Bucky but she was there alone. She sat up on the bed before making her way to the bathroom to take a shower and get ready.

All dressed she left Bucky's room and walked into the main room.

"Well good morning." Sam nagged and Cyra just gave him a side eye.

She sat on the couch next to Bucky who didn't even seem to pay attention to her but she felt relieved when she suddenly felt him place his hand on her thigh.

Both Sam and Zemo noticed his gesture but they said nothing.

"Shall we go?" Zemo asked.


They were walking down the street when they heard Walker's voice,

"Karli Morgenthau is too dangerous for you guys to be pulling this shit!" He was also with Lemar.

"Ah! How'd you find us now?!" Bucky called out.

"You really think two Avengers can walk around without bringing attention?" Lemar asked and Walker started screaming again, "No more keeping us in the dark. You can start by telling us why you brought him out the prison!"

They were now standing face to face.

"He did that himself technically." Bucky shrugged and Walker glared at him. "Oh this better be an unbelievable explanati-" He barged at Bucky but Cyra's hard hand stopped him from getting closer.

"Take it easy Walker." Sam warned him and Walker took a step back glaring at Cyra but his face changed when he noticed her metal arm.

"And who are you? Another criminal?" He asked and Cyra smirked.

"Cyra Volkov. The first Winter Soldier. James's old partner in crime." Zemo introduced her as both Walker and Lemar looked at her with fear. They obviously did not like it.

"I know where Karli is." Zemo stated and was about to walk past Walker when he stopped him. "Where?" Walker asked but Sam was the one who answered,

"All we know is, it's a memorial. So we're gonna confront her there."

"Alright let's move fast and we'll take her by surprise." Walker commanded as they all started walking. He kept eyes on Cyra since he saw her as a threat.

"No I wanna talk to her alone." Sam protested, "She will be vulnerable, this is our chance to talk."

"No stop! Wait!" Walker started screaming as he stood in front of them, "Enough reasoning with her. You forgot the fact that she blew up a building with people inside?! You're gonna let him do this?!" Walker looked at Bucky and continued, "You're gonna let your partner walk into a room with a supersoldier, alone."

"He's dealt with worse and he's not my partner." Bucky frowned.

"Wait John. If we can talk her out of it now, might be worth a try." Lemar tried changing Walker's mind.

Walker thought about it for a second before speaking up, "We'll deal with you later." He looked at Zemo.

"I'm sure it will all come to a conclusion. My associate is waiting." Zemo pointed to the little girl further behind them and they all started walking to her.

"Hello my friend, this is for your family." Zemo told her and handed her money. She took it and signalized him to follow her.

They followed her until they got to some building. They walkd in through the back entrance.

"Karli's in there." Zemo said and Sam walked up some stairs. Just as he did that Walker grabbed Zemo and slammed him against the wall while hancuffing him to a roll. "You got 10 minutes. Then we're doing things my way." John calles out to Sam who just looked at him and then dissapeared.

Bucky, Cyra, Walked Lemar and Zemo stayed there, waiting for Sam.

7 minutes later

Cyra was sitting on the stairs and Bucky was leaning against the railing.

The whole time Cyra was watching Walker. He was anxiously walking back and forth like a freak. It was pissing her off. Her instinct was telling her to kill them and get it over with.

"No,no,no,no, this is a bad idea." Walker called out.

"It hasn't been 10 minutes John just sit tight." Bucky reprimanded him.

"Don't do that. Don't patronize me." Walker spitted out.

"He knows what he's doing." Bucky said causally and Walker's chest started rising and falling faster until he suddenly stopped and started walking towards the stairs. "I'm going in." Bucky lazily looked at him and stopped him, putting his hand against his chest. Bucky then stepped forward as John walked backwards with his head down. He wouldn't dare to go against him.

Alerted Cyra stood up.

"This is all really easy for you two isn't it? All that serum running through your veins." He glared at them, "Barnes, your partner needs a back up in there. You really want his blood on your hands?" Walker squinted his eyes.

"Manipulation. Works on many but not on a trained assasin." Cyra spoke and they all loked at her. "You know his past. You know he feels bad about killing people. But I don't. So your shit surely won't work on me." Cyra bored her eyes into Walker as he sharply inhaled.

"Cyra." Bucky spoke. She turned to look at him and she stepped aside. Walker and Lemar turned around and left. Bucky turned around not paying attention to them anymore but Cyra  noticed them get inside through another entrance.

"Fuck." Cyra went after them and when Bucky saw it he did too.

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