𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 10.

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"We're leaving." Her father commanded angrily.


His screams were ringing in her ears again as she was watching him get brainwashed. It was like a weekly routine to make completely sure his memories don't come back.

And after they were done, they'd drag him across the room and into his cell since his body was so weak and everything around him hazy. It always brought back Cyra's memory of her being injected with the serum for the first time.


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"Cyra." Dmitrij adressed her name and she made her way over to him.

"Captain America, is dead." He smiled devilishly as she did the same.

"You couldn't give me better news." Her evil smile grew even bigger.

She remembered when he barged into their old base and saved James and all the others. Karma got him back.

She also remembered how she always wanted her father to let her end the famous Steven Rogers although he never let her, saying the Red skull will deal with him.

Later that day

"You remember what happened at the other base?"  She asked him,curious. It was wierd knowing he remembers practically everything that happens when he's in the Winter Soldier mindset.

"I remember everything." He said, looking down.

She tilted her head to the side,reading him. It meant he remembered the people he had killed but he never spoke about it.

She squinted her eyes,thinking, before standing up and leaving,locking his cell right before but what she wasn't expecting was to meet her father in the middle of the hallway.

"You've been spending quite some time here lately." He said with a suspicious look.

Cyra stopped in front of him.

"You wanted me to do this." She hissed. "I could do just fine by myself you know, we should have just left him in the snow." 

He raised an eyebrow at her.

"You know the point of this plan. The more the better." He said,walking past her into the soldier's cell leaving Cyra standing there as she released a heavy sight.


It was almost 3AM and she was still awake. Every night was the same.
She threw the blanket off of her and on the ground furiously.

She threw on some clothes and slowly opened the door of her room,stepping out into the cold hallway. It was way too late so there was no sight of anyone.
She knew exactly where to go. There was something she was still curious about.

She had walked into the cameras room,seeing one of her father's men sitting in a chair asleep so that gave her a chance to sneak closer to the cameras settings as she turned a few of them off before she continued walking down the hallway until she was sanding in front of her father's office.

Then she reached down grabbing the door handle when she realized the door was locked.

Being a trained assasin came in handy though. She managed to get the door open as she walked in closing them behind her.

She got to the table searching for Barnes's files. She picked up the picture her father had them under before but the files were gone. She started searching the table completely, messing everything up but making sure she put eveything back in the exact spot it was before. There was no luck until she opened the lowest drawer.

"There you are." She said picking the files up and dropping them on the table.

She opened the notebook as her eyes focused on a bunch of pictures. She smeared them across the wooden table,

 She smeared them across the wooden table,

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She was narrowly looking through them all.

How did they get these...  She thought, picking up the photo where he was with Captain America. She frowned when she saw Rogers, the despise she had for him was unspeakable.

She put the pictures back and focused on his files. There were all the informations about him,his life,skills and many more as she was going through it all,page after page.

At the last one was a small cassette. She picked it up but there was no name so she grabbed the box and put it in.

 She picked it up but there was no name so she grabbed the box and put it in

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A short clip with him and Captain has been played.

Her eyes focused on James.They were both laughing but James's smile was affecting something deep inside her. And she hated it. Seeing him laugh was different. It was like two different people.

She quickly turned it off, frowning when she realized she had been staring for too long. She put it back, shutting the notebook before bending down to put it back in the drawer when something silver caught her attention.

His dog tags.

She held them up in front of her as she read what was there.

"Bucky.." She read his nickname.

Suddenly she heard loud footsteps coming from the hallway as she hid his dog tags in her pocket.

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