𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 33.

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Berlin, Germany

"His cell is right there." The officer notified after accompanying them down the hallway.

"Alright. Give us a sec." Bucky told him and he nodded and left.

"I'm gonna go in alone." Bucky said looking at Sam.


"Cause you're an Avenger. You know how he feels about that."

"Bucky it's not like you two have been running towards the sun together."

"He was obsessed with HYDRA. We have a history together,trust me." Bucky demanded before walking towards Zemo's cell.

When the german police officer let him inside a thick glass was separating them. Zemo got up from the bed and slowly started walking towards Bucky.


"Those days are over." Bucky declared.

"I know. I just wanted to see how the new you reacts to the old words." Zemo spoke with his russian accent as he was standing right in front of the glass,in front of Bucky. He measured him from bottom to the top before adding, "Something is still there."

Bucky clenched his jaw.

"At least you were not conscious for most of your imprisonment."

"That time wasn't exactly a picnic." Bucky said with a low voice.

"For what it's worth I'm sorry. It was never personal. You were only a need to a necessary end." Zemo apologized.

"Someone recreated the supersoldier serum. I need to find out who." Bucky stated, catching Zemo's attention.

"You are asuming HYDRA has something to do with this. Which is why you came to me. Which means you are desperated. Luckily for you, I know where to begin." He pointed at Bucky.


"What are you talking about you wanna break Zemo out of jail. Where the hell are we Buck have you lost your mind?!" Sam shouted. They were at the lowest floor of the prison building. It was so dark they had to walk around with lights.

"We have no leads no moves nothing."

"Yeah what we have is one of the most dangerous men behind bars." Sam protested.

"And we also have eight supersoldiers that are loose."

"Zemo's gonna mess with our minds, especially yours, no offence."

Bucky found the regenerator, turning on the lights. "Offence." He glared at Sam.

"Supersoldiers go against everything he believes in. He is crazy but he still has a code."

"And I've been on the wrong side of the code Bucky and so have you. He blew up the UN! He killed King T'chaka and framed you for it, did you forget that?! You think the Wakandians forgot about it?! It's a retorical question, they didn't. I know why this matters to you but c'mon it's pushing you off the deep end."

"Sam we don't know how they're getting the serum! We don't know how many of them there are! Look, let me just walk you through a hypothetical, can I walk you through a hypothetical?" He asked Sam with raised eyebrows but Sam frowned.

"What did you do?"

"I didn't...do anything." Bucky stuttered, trying to make himself look as innocent as he could.

" Bucky stuttered, trying to make himself look as innocent as he could

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"Listen. Now in this lock up it's nine to one prisoners to guards. And if two prisoners start fighting, the protocol says that four guards have to respond." Bucky started,

"So why would two prisoners randomly start fighting at that moment?"

"Who knows? There could be many reasons. The point is, those things escalate. Lockdown has to be initiated and with all those bodies flying around from left and right, wouldn't be hard to slip down a hallway or two, and if the fire alarm went off while the prisoners were being separated...someone could use the choas to their advantage." Bucky shrugged.

"I don't like how casual you're be being about this this is unnatural. And where are we man?!" Sam asked when they suddenly heard a door open.

Zemo casually walked in in a police unifrom he used as a disguise to get out of there.

"Woah woah woah! What are you doing here?!" Sam shouted trying to get to Zemo but Bucky stopped him.

"I didn't wanna tell you cause I knew you wouldn't let this happen, okay?"

"What did you do?!" Sam shouted again, this time at Bucky.

"We need him Sam." Bucky demanded.

"If I may.." Zemo started but they quickly shut him up.

"No!!" They screamed at the same time.

"When Steve refused to sign the Sokovia accords, you backed him. You broke the law and you stuck your neck out, for me. I'm asking you to do it again." Bucky pleaded with a serious voice.

"I really think I'm invaluable." Zemo spoke.

"Shut up." Sam glared at him before turning back to Bucky, "Okay. If we do this, you don't make a move without our permission." He glared at Zemo again.

"Fair." Zemo agreed.

"Okay Zemo. Where do we start?"


"So our first move is to steal a car?" Sam asked confused as he looked around the bunch of expensive cars. They were in some kind of underground garage.

"These are mine. Collected by family over the generations. I spent years hunting people HYDRA recruited to recreate the serum. Because once it's out there, someone could create an army of people like the Avengers." He looked at Sam.

Zemo grabbed a bag and started filling it with things he found in cars.

"I ended the Winter Soldier program once before, I have no intention to leave my work unfinished." Zemo stated before grabbing a coat and continued, "To do this we will have to scale a letter of low lives."

"Enjoy the party we've already started." Sam said as he was sitting on top of one of the cars.

Zemo just grinned, "First stop is a woman named Selby. From there we climb."


"So all this time you've been rich?!"

"I'm a baron Sam. My family was royalty until your friends destroyed my country."

"Zdravo, Oeznik." Zemo greeted the old man standing next to his private jet.

"Dobro pozhalovat', gospoda." (Welcome, gentlemen.)

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