𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 62.

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They left the apartment in silence, both heartbroken.

They walked down and stepped inside the car.

"Sam wants us to meet up." Bucky mumbled, looking at his phone.

He looked at Cyra. She just simply nodded and scanned his face. He still looked out of it.


"What is this place?" Cyra looked around. They were still sitting in the car.

Bucky sighed and ran his vibranium hand through his hair. He knew very well where they were. He was the one that brought Sam into this neighbourhood a few months ago.

He didn't answer her but he grabbed his phone and called Sam, looking annoyed.

"Sam I don't think this is a good idea."
He said with a serious tone in his voice, "He hates me and Cyra even more."

"What are you talking about?" Cyra interrupted him but Bucky just looked at her.

"I think it is. You need to make peace with him once and for all. We're coming outside okay?" Sam demanded, making Bucky roll his eyes with a heavy sigh.

Cyra was frowning, she was mad that she had no idea about what was going on.

"Stay in the car." Bucky ordered and got out when he saw Isaiah and Sam come out of his house.

They walked into the street and stood in front of Bucky.

"I knew he'd call you." Isaiah said and looked Bucky up and down before he reached out his hand and they both shook hands. Bucky was hesitant, remembering how furious Isaiah was with him the last time they saw each other.

Sam probably had a talk with him. He didn't even tell him he was coming to see Isaiah.

But Isaiah quickly let go of Bucky's hand when he heard the other door of the car open.

Cyra got out and she froze with a frown on her face when she recognized him.

Isaiah immediately took a step back. He was terrified, not expecting Cyra to be still alive too.

Bucky looked away for a split second, sighing.

"Take that bloody monster out of my neighbourhood." He gritted his teeth, taking another step back.

Cyra tilted her head. "You're as scared as you were before."

"Leave!!" He screamed and Sam stepped between him and Bucky, "Isaiah please, you need to get over the past."

"I'm glad you came. And I forgave him. But I can't forget someone with that much blood on their hands. Wanted blood." He looked Cyra up and down, judging her past actions.

Bucky gave Sam a death stare. This was a waste of time he knew he would react like this. But he couldn't blame Isaiah for his reaction. It was predictable. And fair.

Sam looked down, not trying to change his mind since he knew that wasn't possible.

And then without another word Isaiah left and went inside leaving them stand there.

"Well that was nice. What now?" Cyra shrugged and looked at them. She seemed unbothered.

"Let's just go back home. I told Sarah you'd stop by." Sam looked at them and they agreed to go.

Almost 2 hours later

They arrived at the quay. The whole neighbourhood was already there. Seemed like Sarah was inviting them everyday to just talk,eat and have fun.

Sam Bucky and Cyra made their way through the crowd of people. Everyone was greeting Sam and also Bucky since he had the chance to get to know a few of them.

They got to a table where Sarah was sitting with a group of people. Bucky Sam and Cyra sat down.

"So how was it?" Sarah asked curiously.

"The Flag Smashers won't do any more damage and hopefully the government will make some valid changes." Sam stated and took a plate of food before Bucky and Cyra did the same.

"That's a good thing." Sarah nodded with a smile before she looked at Bucky and Cyra, "So will you be staying for the last cruise of the summer?"

Bucky and Cyra looked at each other.

"I almost forgot to tell you. We're leaving on another cruise for a week. C'mon come along it will be fun." Sam demanded.

"Yeah I guess one week is fine." Bucky spoke for both of them.

They kept talking until they were done with food. Then they stood up and Sarah started grabbing the plates from the table when a middle aged lady walked over to them. She was holding a baby in her arms.

"Sam, oh my God I've seen you on the news."

Sam laughed before greeting her. "It's good to see you Mabel."

She laughed too before shouting,

"Markus! Get down from that ladder!" She looked behind Sam. Markus seemed to be her older son.

"Markus! Right now!" She screamed again but he didn't seem to acknowledge her at all. Or he was just pretending he didn't.

"I swear he's gonna be the death of me! Hold her for a second sweetie." She quickly placed her daughter into Cyra's arms since she was the closest to her before rushing to scold her son.

Cyra became as if paralyzed. She was holding her so hesitantly and her heart was beating so hard she wouldn't be surprised if it jumped out of her chest.

She did not like this situation at all.

Her muscles were completely tense but she suddenly remembered how to breathe when Bucky placed his hand on her shoulder, comforting her.

She took a deep breath and looked at him with wide eyes but he looked calm.

He was smiling at the little girl. She could only be about 3 months old.

Cyra was reading him.

He looked so happy to see a small child. His eyes were glowing as he reached out his palm and she immediately wrapped her small gentle hand around his thumb.

He then looked back at Cyra.

"It's fine doll." He placed a kiss on her temple lovingly before his attention was back on the baby. He was so gentle with her and she seemed to love him. Cyra was watching his every move,look when the baby suddenly smiled at him.

She finally gathered the courage and looked down and the little baby immediately locked eyes with Cyra's and something in her broke. She was captivated by her big brown eyes. It was an unusual feeling.

"See? It's not that bad." Bucky gave her a smug smile and all of a sudden the baby started to chuckle lightly making Bucky chuckle too.

Cyra found his joy adorable and in that moment she realized he'd be a great father. The man of muscle, serum and vibranium was in fact just a big gentle bear and she adored him for it although she'd never say it out loud.


I was also deeply thinking about my question from yesterday, about who would win in a fight, Bucky or Cyra. And I came up with a decision that it would definitely be Cyra lmao. Although if Bucky was in the Winter Soldier state of mind I feel like It would be very close👀

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