CHAPTER XVI: Intro to Hedonism; Collapse

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A sudden pulsating pain on his forehead attacked him and it spread all over his head and to his right eye. He feared that the sudden outburst of anger caused this unwanted physical reaction. He winced as he lost his train of thought and grasped the area around his right eye. He knocked over a plastic cup onto the floor as it bounced over to the legs of the sofa a few feet away. The detective yelled out "Angel what's wrong?!" Angel crouched on the floor as blood started to flow from the hand covering his eye. He felt like his eye was freezing and burning in continuity. Angel grunted as he said "Holy crap." Emmanuel planted himself next to him on his knee's as he said "What's wrong?" Angel said " I don't know it fucking hurts?" Emmanuel looked at the detective as they booth saw him simply in agony with blood dripping on the floor. Emmanuel said "What do we do?" The detective squatted down next to Angel and said "Hey do you need us to take you to the hospital?" Angel was confused and scared as he said "I-I don't know?" He moved his hand and they were able to see a glimpse of it. Blood was flowing like tears down his cheek and his pupil had gone pale white. Angel moved his hand over it and waved it over his right eye. He said "I can't see anything ...with this eye..." The veins in his eye's were bloodshot and stretched toward his iris. Emmanuel said "What happened to his eye...It looked fine a second ago?" The detective got up as he helped angel up and said "Come on, I'll get the car going. We need to take you to the hospital now." Angel said "No it's alright it doesn't hurt as much anymore." The detective responded "Your going to lose that eye if we don't go now." Emmanuel grabbed a few tissue papers, but ended up giving the whole roll to the detective. The detective said to angel" Close your eye and put this over it." Emmanuel's noticed that his hand trembled as he grabbed his jacket and phone.

They walked outside and headed over to the car. The neighborhood was quite so much so that they could hear the birds on a palm tree two blocks away. They buckled their seatbelts and the detective turned on the engine and drove. Emmanuel was in the backseat as he rubbed Angel's shoulder and said "How you feeling, does it still hurt?" The blood started dripping onto his khaki pants as the paper towel was completely soaked red. Angel responded "It doesn't hurt but why is it still bleeding?" Angel continued as he asked the detective "This couldn't be something the raccoon's doing to me right?" The detective said "Hopefully not." Emmanuel said "It could be some kind of corona variant?" Angel simply smirked at what he said. The sun was started to persist from above the clouds blanketing the city. Beams of light landed on ground in segregated area's. The hospital was not far from where they were at.

11:00 p.m- He was told to go outisde after they put a bag of cotton eyepatches to wrap around his eye as they where waiting for results after given several eye tests after he started to gain a bit of his vision back. The doctor was not sure what to go about his eye since it was not seem like some kind of injury or illness. There were many in the waiting room. Some were in agony while other's simply not sure what to do. Time passed in a sort of dreaded slow pace. At that moment a woman vomited next to a man holding a 3 month old all over the floor next to them.

11:01- The floor was getting cleaned after the vomit started to settle across to a wider area in the room. The sick lady was escorted to someplace outside holding a bag. The man simply left to another hospital out of frustration and embarrassment. The maximum occupancy of 34 people at a time started to extend past the automatic sliding doors to around 40 people and more.

12:02- The smell started to move past to all four corners of the room till a strong chemical was splashed on the mess and it went away and it smelled nice. The detective said "I'll be right back I'm gonna take a step outside too."

11:03- Emmanuel bought a bag of chips and a can of soda from a vending machine, and a man with a clipboard took the detectives seat and Angel didn't say anything. Emmanuel fed Angel 4 Cheetos and three sips of mountain dew.

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