CHAPTER X-2: The Collapsed Horizon

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The raccoon had opened the letter he found on his porch that morning on March 4th. It was a long folded scripture tumbled onto the floor of all the accommodations that will be at the Queen's youngest sister's Quince reception. A pageant for the three mice of Enoch a parade for the Queen and the citizens of Alexandria. The print was a dark red scarlet font with the paper having a thick texture. The raccoon had a pile of Hawaiian bread next to him as he read the final lines of the calligraphy written letter;

"It would not be the same without you. my loyal servant. I will need the boy to have a part in this event as well, and albeit even if it is through the suffocation of his own will. I am notifying you about his participation and you're arrival two months in advanced because the sworn oath that has your life on the line. A deal is a deal Dante, You wouldn't want to anger my father and my daughter - Love, Ezra.

 P.S bring the Lizard." 

The Pollen Heart Fantasy: Act II

It was a clear night as Angel sat under the tarp in his backyard. There was silence within the pitch black darkness that lingered within. He had missed sitting there gathering his thoughts and listening to his music as the invisible neighboring crickets chimed their instruments with the wind that blew the bare willow trees aged foliage down to the earth and created a sea of deceased blond and lime pile. It was almost time to go back to bed, but as he got up from the bucket the back door was heard opening with an audible creak. Thankfully this time it wasn't Friday today. Angel stood still where he was at and kept clear from his fathers view. " Angel, were are you at?" Angel kept silent. He could hear his footsteps coming his way. He moved from his hiding place before Samuel could notice him hiding " I'm right here dad." " Angel? you cant be out here, you're aunt has your tea in the kitchen." " Oh, I'll go in right now..." Angel hesitated to say "Dad I'm sorry you think mom would of forgiven me?" Samuel sighed and grabbed Angel by his shoulder " You know your mother would be grateful that you are even alive right now son." he continued " You have nothing to be sorry about, everything's alright..." " But dad, you've been going through so much for a long time now and..." " You don't need to worry about that right now, The raccoon is our problem right now not just your's alone" Angel felt like this was all the clarification he needed for a long time now. " You've grown so much in little bit of time, I don't know what else to say other than I will be here protecting you, I always have and always will be Angel." " Okay dad, Thank you." 

"Come on you're tea's inside." They booth walked their way back to the door when Angel said "Dad, how long have you known about the Raccoon for?" " Well you're mother had known him since she was little, but I have only known him a few years before you were born." " Oh okay because, I think I'm planning on having him dead..." " What... Angel!" His father paused above angel on the small steps that lead to the door " He's got someone really important to me." "Angel! he could be on to us right now." "He's not I saw him leave." Angel handed him the open envelope with the letter inside. It escaped from the pouch when the letter was taken out and fell onto the  concrete floor. 

He took a seat and examined it thoroughly. "When did you get this Angel" "About an hour ago." " A Quince on the 5th of June this year... This is our chance!" " I know, we just got to find a way... I was thinking we could poison him the next time we come, or we could beat him with the steel bat, or run him over like road kill..." Samuel slowly closed the envelope together with the letter and said " No, to simply kill him is not possible son" he continued " He is the devil in the shape of a rodent." " But if we don't find a way then he will still continue to take advantage of us dad, he could kill other people we may or may not know." 

"Angel, do you know why he is doing this?" " Well this would of been avoided if you simply told me year's ago." " He want's to regain his human form. The only way possible is by taking the will of another person from the family blood line." he continued "It happened almost 100 years ago when his great grandfather made a deal with Ezra." Angel interrupted "The Queen, Ezra?" " Yes, their kind marked your blood with the Pollen Heart." " The pollen what?" " The Santos blood line is infected with it." Dante Ryker Santos, he is your uncle and you are the progenitor."  "Dad..." " Again there is nothing to be afraid about, I just wanted to tell you before anything else happened." His father embraced Angel "I am very sorry Angel," he continued " The honey that killed her that now flows through your veins."

Angel couldn't sleep that night as the window was open with the pearl white curtains blowing in the mid spring chill. " You're blood is marked with the pollen heart." Angel felt like a fool. A fool that has no control of his life with the secretes that were held against his favor. He gazed at the dark white ceiling as he laid in bed. He meticulously raised his hand into the air with no apparent reason. Visions of Alexandria flowed through his mind and the thought of Emmanuel still trapped in that world paralyzed him in fear.  Alexandria was still a mystery to him and it almost felt like he could touch it, but it was impossible to simply walk over to it. It's like forcing the mind to reach an invisible point in space and breathing in and out. Only to grasp an idea trapped in the head like a dream and nothing more. The feeling of guilt struck him in the orifice of his heart and stomach that made his hand cringe into a fist. He closed his tired eyes and feel asleep.

"It almost time to eat soup."

Came the voice from within the other realm. Angel was floating in a dark abyss. Even in his dream he had couldn't escape the visions. A frenzy of glowing flora along with red roses and white lily-of-the-valley's climbed their way around him. Thorns planted inside his flesh and secreted blood, and the mark of the Pollen Heart appeared over his forehead to clarify who he was. A loud bang like lighting lit up the area around him. The head of a swine stood in the open impaled by a long wooden stick. A man with long dark hair in a tailored blazer gazed at him as Angel dangled between the throne of vines. " It's almost time for soup". Angel winched in pain as he his skin was pulled and split with every move he made. "Who are you..."  " The government sent me to you." "The queen?" "No, The emperor, Angel." Another figure came from his back. Angel had a hard time deciphering who that person was. "It hurts." The person had the same facial features as him. A long neck and an oval face. Long hair that feel over his sides like curtains, but on his face was a wicked smirk. He slowly approached angel without a sound. The closer he came it was apparent that it was actually him, and the more Angel began to panic on the inside. The man in the blazer said " This is you in purity, without the pollen heart."  "Why are you doing this?" "Angel, you are sick, you need to be atoned in order to function in the new world you will lead." Angels pure form withdrew the black blood stained lance from the swine's head. "Now be cured!" 

Angel grappled onto the vines as the lance penetrated into his chest and all the way to his spine. The dream continued on for more than what felt like an eternity. In between the pain, Angel saw his pure form crying, as if he could feel it as well...

Their was no school that day when he woke up in the morning. Black and white spots filled in the spaces from his dream. He only recalled the person with the exact face as him, and the invisible sore's and scar's left around his arm and legs. In the end, he could only remember the fear he felt. 

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