CHAPTER VIII: Life is what you make out of it

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The Raccoon tapped it's left paw on the oak table as it thought intensely on it's next move.

Its other paw held onto the knight pawn. He was cornered as his king was stared down by the queen and the bishop pawn. The lizard said from the other side of the table said " Nothing like a good ol beating, right?" The raccoon placed the black knight two spaces up and one unit to the right. The lizard gazed directly at the queen's piece and said" Just like the snake she is, she slither's her way directly towards you to take a fatal bite." The queen's piece hovered toward the knights square and knocked it over.

The enigmatic failings that stood in front of raccoon made him anxious. It struck midnight as the raccoon made it's next move. They were huddled over the game in a dim velvet room rimmed with golden embroiders all along the wall. An empty bottle of wine resting on the floor. A ticking clock ejected the wooden figure of a white chicken. The song of a new day rang like Big Ben. The raccoon scratched the fleas off it's body subconsciously.

An imaginary arrow pointed toward the lizards white King.

"Checkmate!" the raccoon said in a feverish conundrum. The lizard was fully enraged " How can this be the ninth time you won!". "Come on you had a chance." To ease the animosity the Raccoon offered to play Loteria. A Mexican card game that plays the same way as bingo, but with sixteen slot's of pictures and words.

" Get this card, I promise that you'll win with this one every time" The raccoon said.

The Lizard grabbed the 15th play card from the Raccoons hands. Then they locked eyes with each other and said " I'm ready." The raccoon placed the cards in a shuffling slot on the underside of the table.

Easy come easy go. The Raccoon lost 15 bottles of honey after losing to the Lizard for the second time in a row. The lizard said " Damn, we should always play this game from now on." The raccoon looked at the clock as it began to yawn and stretch its white fur " Yeah, you own this game, but it's getting kind of late, don't you think?" The lizard was surprised as he said " You are right, but you're a nocturnal." The raccoon said in a provocative way" I still haven't got used to Michigan time's."

Out in the open they booth witnessed the blurry night sky of blue stars. The chirping of crickets filled their ears. " It's probably already morning in California." the lizard said as a cold gust hit them from the top of the roof on the small cottage surrounded by the dark rural field. Beyond the reef of the field past a cluster of trees was the silhouette of an ominous wind turbine propelling it's large lanky wings. The lizard said glumly " I bet the stars look better in Arizona." The raccoon sighed as he said " Yeah, but we would be approximately a thousand feet close to Santos blood, we don't want to be caught in any of that..."

" Is suppose that is true" The lizard admitted. The lizard continued, " Do you remember, about 20 years ago, when little Jasmine would gaze at the stars all while a desert spider would crawl right past her." The Raccoon chuckled " Oh she was a brave one, and just like her son she was a wanderer, she always looked at the heavens for reasons we may never know."

The raccoon gave resentment " Has it really been that long?" Images of Jasmine found his way through it's central cortex. A beautiful woman that could put a smile on a stranger's face. She would hide her sadness from everyone. But it was on that one fateful day when the raccoon saw her weeping uncontrollably for the first time. The day of her internal immolation. Some had said that her death was painless mostly due to the fact that it wasn't physical but more spiritual. "She did what she had to do to protect Angel, but I just can't help but feel guilty" the raccoon said as the cold air ceased.

Many believed that Angels mother died of substance abuse, but it was the honey that made her delirious. She knew drinking it was dangerous enough, yet it was the reason why Angel was alive. "She had to use it or else the fetus would've... " The raccoon mentioned. The lizard added " It flowed through her body and the milk that feed her son." A star slid past their cloud of defeat. The sky shed a tear. The raccoon said " I wish I was human again so I could do a toast." The lizards eyes gave in to the night and mumbled "Sweet honey, Sweet, Sweet Jasmine." The lizard feel asleep. The raccoon quietly withdrew from the roof with the lizard in hand. The Lizard said in it's yawn " Raccoon, when are we going back home?" The raccoon paused and thought about the question. Their home was neither in this world or in Cornelia. The raccoon said " When this is all over, when Angel gets us the marble, just hang in there for Mother. " The lizard smiled and said "So pretty soon well be able to save her." The raccoon smiled and nodded as he responded "Yeah, you can count on it."

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