8. Whimpers

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Tsukishima stared at the little girl he was holding, glaring slightly. Yamaguchi hurried over with his little boy in his arms. "Tsuki, stop glaring at Nozomi."

"She's looking at me weird."

"Tsuki, you ass. Hold Atsushi." They swapped holding children. "How did Suga trust us for four days?"

"I have no idea."

Yamaguchi sighed softly. He put Nozomi on his chest. "It'll be more like three days since he just had a kid."

Tsukishima kissed his son's head. "Hey, buddy."

Atsushi looked up and stared. "Daddy."

"What's wrong, buddy?" Atsushi reached up and whined. "Is it cuddle time with Daddy? I think so. Let's go." Tsukishima sat on the couch and rocked him slowly.

Yamaguchi walked around with Nozomi, who was looking at things all over the place. "You're so cute."

Nozomi snuggled his shirt and yawned.

"Ah." Yamaguchi sat with Tsukishima and fed Nozomi. "He okay over there?"

Tsukishima backed up a bit and looked at the sleeping boy. "He's not drooling on me. So yeah."

Yamaguchi put his hand on his back and smiled. "Whew. He's alright."Of course." Tsukishima sat up slightly and shifted the little boy. He kissed the top of his head again and smiled. "You're okay, buddy..."

Yamaguchi smiled. Nozomi whined loudly and wiggled around. "Alright, tummy time!"

Nozomi was placed on the floor, and Yamaguchi played with her, making sure she felt okay. She just... Wouldn't tire out.
His son was like a cat. He was clingy, sleepy, and overly affectionate.

But Nozomi was a newborn full of energy that came from somewhere they couldn't find.

Yamaguchi tried feeding her more, gently moving her around and around and even whining at her, and she would imitate back the noise.

"I can't call cause they might not be having a break."

"We could try calling Akaashi?"

"But... But Akaashi's pregnant."

"Jesus." Tsukishima took out his phone and called. "Hey. Yama can't calm down Nozomi right now. What do we do?"

"Ow- shit! Sorry. Take your shirt off and- hey! Do you want me to get Daddy? Put that down! Put Nozomi on one of your chests. It calms babies down."

"Are you okay?"

"The girls made Akemi cry again. He got a cut on his arm. Nori! Time out corner right now! We do NOT hit!"

Tsukishima hung up. "Well then. Remind me to get new condoms soon, so that doesn't happen to us."

"Oh, haha. What did Akaashi say?"

"Just take off your shirt and put her on your chest. Like I do with Atsushi."

"Ooh." Yamaguchi took off his hoodie and t-shirt. He removed Nozomi's little bodysuit, which was another shade of lavender. Why were all of her things either lavender, yellow, or pink? That was... Weird.

Yamaguchi put the little girl on his chest, and she sighed softly. She still squirmed. But it wasn't long until she calmed down and was fast asleep.

"Mm... Good girl," Yamaguchi whispered. He sat on the couch and leaned back. "Such a sweet little girl..."

Tsukishima stared. Shit. They'd had a kid nearly two years ago, but now he had baby fever... Again. Tsukishima looked away and then to Atsushi. He rocked him a bit, rubbing his back.

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