18. Valentine

704 33 40

Daichi sighed, walking into his room. The lights were on, again. Suga was asleep, sat up in bed, and a book in his hands. Daichi took the book and put it aside before turning off the main light in their room and climbing into bed. 

Sugawara was pulled down and he laid against Daichi. His skin felt hot to the touch. He was probably sick now… Great…

Daichi got back up and got liquid medicine and put it into an extra plastic syringe they used for the little ones. "Koushi, wake up sweetheart." 

"Mm…" Suga swat him away angrily. "Go away." 

"Suga. Open up." 

Sugawara opened his eyes and stuck his tongue out. He yawned. 

Daichi put the syringe in his mouth and slowly got him to drink the medicine. Sugawara closed his eyes a moment later and whined. "What is it?" 

"Am I sick?" 



Daichi laughed. "Shhhh." He kissed Suga's hair. "You need something?"

"Spicy, spicy." 



Daichi sighed. He checked the time. "You need to go too."

Suga paused before closing his eyes. "Nope." 

"Alright." Daichi laid down and got him close. 

Daichi fell asleep quickly before Sugawara got up and walked upstairs and sat in the living room. He was tired and felt achy and hot but he was also nervous. 

Daichi had turned out the main light and he couldn't sleep without all lights on now. His nightmares sometimes got really bad now so he decided that the lights would help. 

His mind always got foggy and he got panicky when the lights were off and he hated it. Sugawara curled up on the couch and fell asleep, comfortable in the light. 

Sometime later Ichiro came into the living room and laid down with him, carrying his baby blanket. He laid on Suga's side, who just drowsily purred at him. 


Daichi moved around and hummed. "Suga…?" 


Daichi opened his eyes. No one was in the bed with him. He got up and got dressed a bit better before walking upstairs. 

Sugawara was laying there on the couch, again. He sighed. He picked up Ichiro and walked to the small boy's room. He set him down and covered him in blankets. 

He went to Suga, who woke up delirious and confused. "Koushi… Honey…"

Suga edged close and hugged Daichi.

"Why are you sleeping on the couch again? Is the bed uncomfy? Hm?" 


Daichi thought as he held his partner close. "When was the last time you got a nightmare that woke you up?" 


Daichi got up and went into their bathroom, checking both of their medications. Suga's pill planner had the last week still full. Daichi walked upstairs with it. "Koushi." 

Suga looked up. "Mm?" 

"You haven't taken anything."

Suga looked into the planner. He glanced at Daichi before looking down again. "Uh…" 

Sick Love ~ DaiSuga OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now