11. Ready

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Suga stared nervously at his stomach, feeling the skin. "Shit… Daichi?"


"Can you uh… Sniff?"

Daichi snuggled closer and sniffed his neck. "Mm… You smell nice." 

"Do I smell off any?" 

"You smell amazing." Daichi sighed sleepily, patting his side. "You're so cute." 

Sugawara sighed. "Daichi."


"I think I'm pregnant again." 

Daichi hurriedly sat up. "What?"

"Oh, now you wake up!" 

"You're pregnant?" 

"Well, I don't know! Shit's been weird and my heat is late." 

"You can't be pregnant. We've been so careful." 

Sugawara got up hurriedly. He grabbed his coat and keys. "I'll be back." 

"Wait. Lay down. Koushi lay down. It's two in the morning." Daichi pulled him close and held him as he trembled. 

"I don't want to have another baby yet."

"It might be stress. You always smell nice to me as well. It doesn't mean we're going to need to get ready for another baby now." 

Sugawara took in a deep, shaky breath. "I-I don't-" 

Daichi kissed his cheek and rubbed his side. "Koushi… It's okay. Shhhh." Daichi got up and turned on the fan. He got Hoshi on the bed and climbed on top of him, removing his shirt and kissing his collar bone. "Relax."

"Whew. Thank you."

"Of course. I love you." Daichi whispered. He kept up the slow kisses, holding one of his hands. Sugawara fell back asleep and then Daichi did. 

It was weird how Suga had these spouts of anxiety about having another child. They'd always wanted a big family. 

But Suga hadn't let Daichi know about his fears though. 

It seemed stupid but the trauma that going into labor and giving birth had scarred him to the point he had dreams and hated the sight of blood. 

He wanted help so bad but admitting his simple fear was really scary. 


"Suga!" Akaashi cried out. He got close to the older male. "Are you okay?!" 

Sugawara nodded and tried to stand on his own so he wouldn't cause his pregnant friend extra stress. "I'm fine. Fine. Just… Dizzy."

"Are you sure? You don't seem fine…" 

"Hush. I'm fine." Sugawara took a few deep breaths and promptly fell again. 


Bokuto hurried into the room and saw the male who had fainted. "Shit." He picked him up and held Suga. "You two okay?" 

"I'm fine," Akaashi mumbled, hand on his swelled stomach. He took a deep breath. "He scared me." 

"Ah." Bokuto woke Suga up and held him still. "Suga… Are you okay?" 



Sugawara's eyes closed. "Tired. Very tired." 

"That's not normal." 

"You're not normal. Fuck off." Sugawara gagged. 

Akaashi grabbed a small trash can and held it out, covering his nose. Bokuto felt his forehead. "A fever."

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