32. Love Him

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Daichi helped Suga out of the car, holding his hands. He grabbed his bag and Suga glanced at the seat. "Oh no…" 

"What is it?" 

"I got it all over the seat." 

"Well. I can clean it up in a second." 

"But… But…" 

Daichi laughed. "Sweetheart. Calm down. I'll clean it up in just a bit." 

Suga felt another contraction and held on tighter. 

"Here we go. You ready to meet Nobu?" 

"Yeah!" Suga smiled. 

Daichi led him inside and was immediately flocked by nurses. He was given his proper shot and met Suga in a room where he was being numbed. "Feeling better?" 

"Mhmm…" There was a moment of Suga moving a bit, seemingly confused. Daichi leaned down and Suga bounced back. "Sorry. I've never had this done. It's a lot." 

"It's okay. It won't be too long." Daichi kissed his forehead. "Little Nobu will be here soon. You have a few hours before Keiji brings the kids and they get to meet their little brother. Does that sound good?"

"Mhmm." Sugawara smiled. The curtain was put up and he looked back to Daichi. "Can I have some water?" 

"I can ask a nurse." Daichi looked up and got his attention. "Hi. Can I get him some water, please?" 


Suga whimpered loudly. Daichi hurried to him and Suga breathed out slowly. "It's okay. It was just a contraction." 

Daichi chuckled. "After three kids I would think that I'd know what to do when that happens." 

"Oh, I love you." Suga closed his eyes. "Can someone tell me what's happening?" 

"We're about to open you up to get your little one. Just relax." 

Suga whined. "Suga?" 


"When we get home, would you like me to make you a nest in the living room? I'll get the kids to leave you be so we can bond with the baby." 

"Oh, that would be amazing Daichi…" Suga smiled. 

"This is gonna feel like a small pull, okay?" A doctor warned. 

"Mm…" Sugawara played with Daichi's hair. "You're so handsome." 

Daichi playfully tapped his nose. "You're more handsome. So pretty." 

Sugawara hummed softly. He shut his eyes, whining again. "What was that?" 

"He's almost here, it's alright." 

Suga couldn't feel much so he was glad that he was able to hold onto Daichi. They had that comfort until there was a large pull on Suga's stomach. Suga freaked, not okay with the feeling. 

"What was that?!" 

"Did no one give him a shot to calm him down first? He shouldn't be acting like that. He's being whinier than he should be." 

Suga closed his mouth. Daichi furrowed his brows. "Please don't talk rudely about him. That wasn't necessary." 

Suga put his hand on Daichi's chest. "Don't worry about it. It's okay." 

"No, it's not-"

"Relax." Suga felt another pull. There was a moment of silence before a loud cry. Suga tiredly laughed. "Nobu." 

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