34. With Kento

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Three times. Three times Suga had noticed Ichiro wanting to go out and get taken care of by Kento. He had to bring up this talk. 

Nozomi had been easy, and she hadn't wanted medication and had told Suga that she thought she didn't have a sexual attraction to anyone. That was a breath of fresh air. Izumi wasn't into relationships due to focusing on other things. 

But Ichiro desperately wanted to go out and get taken care of. It was natural. Instinct. But worrying. 

"Ichiro," Suga stated quietly. "Can I talk to you in private?" 

Ichiro looked up from his phone. He got up and Suga stared for a moment. They were the same height… God, he'd grown fast. "Sure thing!" 

Suga nodded and went to the basement. He sat down, quiet. 

"Uh oh. Did I do something?" 

"No. Um…" Suga fiddled with his hands. "Sorry, sorry I'm really nervous haha." 

"It's okay!" 

"Mm… Well. Okay." Suga looked up. "Are you interested in trying to mate with Kento?" 

"Ah- yeah. I can wait though if it's not okay with you and Dad. Kento's parents said it was okay but I can wait." 

"Dad is very worried but is okay with it." The older male still messed with his hands. "Would you like to start on birth control?" 

"I'm allowed to?" 

"Of course. You would have to wait until you pass one heat while on the pill to uh… Mate. I can get you an appointment and we can get you tested for STIs and STDs to make sure you're okay. Keiji already checked on Kento. He's fine." 

Ichiro stared, obviously excited. He was going to have a mate. "So Kento can be my mate?" 

"Yes. But please, please be careful," Suga stated, serious. "You don't want to hear this but tearing is really serious. You need to make sure Kento knows that too. If he hurts you it won't be good." 

Ichiro nodded. He looked a bit embarrassed now. "O-of course. I know about that…" 

"Wait what." Sugawara stopped. "What do you mean you know about that?" 

Ichiro whined into his arms. "Mom, come on." 

"Woah wait I check the wifi thing and have never seen you watch-"


Suga lifted a brow. He then laughed. "You did that already." 

"Oh my God…" 

"Not with Kento?" 


"Great! Gonna go schedule you an appointment." Suga pranced off and Ichiro sat there, blushing. 


Izumi sniffed, furrowing his brows. He was sitting in the laundry room, on his laptop. It was supposed to smell like towels and detergent. Instead, it smelled like very sweet tea, which he didn't like. 

He got up and walked into Ichiro's room next door. "Ichiro, stop flaring your scent. It's annoying." 

No Ichiro? 

"Hello?" Izumi walked in farther and smelled it nearer to the closet. He opened the door and gasped. "Ichiro."

"G-go get mom," The smaller male whispered. 

Izumi ran up to Nobu's room. "Mom!" 

Sugawara startled, stopping from picking up Nobu. "What is it?" 

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