One|Moving In

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Alexa/Lexi POV

I can't believe today is the day I move out of this house and live my own life,Dont get me wrong I love my Mom,it's just that I'm growing up and need a space of my own.

She's getting married to this man she says she met at work,Which to be honest he's not that bad,I like him I guess.They've been together for about 5 months now,I'm happy for her.

I'm Alexa Miller,and To get things straight I'm not poor,My family has a business but I don't really care for that stuff,and no I'm not a spoiled brat.When people for meet me I'm mostly cold stone,as I don't like to show emotion that much,but I'm nice to people,trust me I'm not those bullies👋🏻.
Anyways back to real life .

I head downstairs and see my mom making breakfast. "Hi mom" I say as I make my way to the kitchen. "Hello sweetie,The food is almost ready" She says in a sweet way to me.
I sit on the island and wait for my food,I can see her tearing up while she cooks.I know it's because I'm moving out,I understand her as I'm her only daughter😅. "Mom I'm gonna be okay,I already found a house,and I'll come visit you every week".I say as I look over at her.

She gives me a big smile and hands me the food. "I know sweetie it's just ima miss you so much,I can't believe you're already grown up".She says as she hugs me from the side.

I stand up and hug her,after I've finshed eating I get my suitcase and my phone and head out to my car. "SWEETIE WAIT" She yells as she comes outside with money.
"Mom I don't need money I already have my credit card".I say as I look at her with a small smile. "Sweetie please take it,You need to pay for the school for this month".She says while handing me the money. "Thank you mom,I love you".I say as I hug her and after head to my car.
I drove off to my new house which wasn't that far away,it was about 15-18 minutes away.

A few minutes later~

I get to the house and suprisingly there is cars outside,I get the keys and open the front door holding my suit case,I almost forgot, I ran to my car and got my cardigan and put it on.

(The outfit)I open the door and place my keys on a table,I look around and it's beautiful,I'm looking around when I feel someone touch my shoulder

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(The outfit)
I open the door and place my keys on a table,I look around and it's beautiful,I'm looking around when I feel someone touch my shoulder. "WHAT THE F**K"! I yell as I turn around and slap them across the face.
I look at them clearly and see a boy who's about 5'7,he stands up and looks at me,making eye contact.He's pretty tall I mean I'm 5'1.And then I quickly go back to reality.

"What the f**k are you doing in my house"! I yell at him "I don't know who the f**k you are but don't yell at me little chick".He says while looking at me up and down.I notice he's staring at my b**b's.I clear my throat and slap him across the face saying, "My eyes are up here".I say while looking at him. He looks back at me,I see his cheek is red,I can't help but giggle.I put my face back to normal, I ask him again. "What are you doing in my house".I say. "Listen I don't know who you are but I live here including other guys too,So I think you got the wrong place sweetie."He says with a smirk on his face.

"So I live with an a**hole and other guys too."I say rolling my eyes. "I guess so,I'm Drake,by the way."He says looking at me. "Alexa."I say Turning to get my suit case. "Where is my room Drakey?"I ask while turning back at him. "Drakey?"He says looking at me confused. "Just tell my where my room is."I say rolling my eyes. "I guess yours is the spare room,it's up stairs to the right last door".He says while grabbing his phone.

I grab my stuff and head to my room it's pretty big If I say so myself,I place all my stuff in my room,decor,clothes etc~

I hear a knock on the door.
Drake walks in and leans on the wall,While I'm on the floor bending down to grab my charger that fell off my bed.
"D*mn I didn't know I was getting a early birthday present".He says while looking at my a*s.I stand back up and sit on my bed.
"You're such a perv."
"Yeah,Yeah whatever get down stairs we need to introduce ourselves".He shuts the door and I roll my eyes.

As I'm heading downstairs,I hear yelling coming from the living room.I get to the living room and all eyes are on me.

"Oh f**k no." I say as I see a familiar face,the one and only Issac Ross.He looks at me and just stares,I sit on the couch next to who knows what his name is . There is silence in the room.
"Well Is anyone gonna say something?"I say.
"Ugh whatever I'm Alexa,I'm 17 and um yeah.Now you're turn."I say looking at them.

I'm Drake and this is Dylan my twin.Drake says while smirking at me.
"I'm issac as you already know"

"So why are you here?" Issac says glaring at me.
"I live here the f**k?" Rolling my eyes.
"You're hot"another says,I notice it's One of the twins.
"You're not so bad your self." I say with a wink.
"Ima head to my room now, see you bi**h's later"I says walking out to my room. I feel them staring at me while I walk up the stairs"
"Stop staring at my a** you dirty f**k's!"I yell

I get to my room and it's already 5pm I take a bath and hear a knock on the door.I hear the door opening.To my suprise it's ..

That's the end of this chapter,hope you enjoyed 💗!
Also if you don't like mature things and mature language don't continue reading this book or whatever 😸!
Thank you for reading!Byeee💗!

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