Nineteen| "Do I like her?"

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I was gonna kiss Alexa. Gosh why didn't I?! I'm such a idiot. I'm starting to feel this way for her and I don't know what it is.
I've never had a serious thing with anyone. I'm usually just a player who moves from girl to girl But with Alexa...she's...she's different.

I walk into my room and lay on my bed thinking about what happened.

"She just lost her parents,I don't think she's looking for a relationship." I say to myself while looking at the ceiling.

Alexa will probably want to be alone right now. This is bad for her,and I feel sick that I can't do anything for her. I truly do... I-I.. I don't know what I feel.

"Could I like her?" I ask myself.

I get dozed off of my thoughts and didn't realize Alexa had entered my room. She looks down at her hands while she asks a question.
"Hey..can I ask you something?"
I sit up and scratch my neck.
"Yeah,what do you need?" I say.

"Can you accompany me to go see...see my parents at the hospital?" Alexa asks which comes out for like a whisper. I can tell she's on the verge of tears so I stand up and give her a hug.
"Of course." I reply with a smile.

"It really is..them..they're dead." Alexa whispers as she sees her parents lifeless body's.

We had arrived at the hospital so that Alexa could identify her parents and she started breaking down as she saw her parents.

"We will start doing the paper work so there can be a funeral. Excuse me." The doctor says walking off leaving Alexa and I alone.

"Alexa we should go come on.." I say hugging her so she lets go of her mom. "This can't be true Jacob." Alexa mumbles as she cries onto my chest. "We'll get thru this together,I promise. I won't leave your side Alexa." I say as I hold her tight.

We walk out of the room and go sit in the waiting room. Alexa starts to fall asleep on my shoulder while we wait for the paper work. Meanwhile I text our friends about what happened and where we are.

Jacob: Alexa and I are at the hospital to identify her parents. She's not doing to good.

Rose: I can't imagine how she feels🙁.

Amara: do you think she'll be fine?

Drake: She's so humble she doesn't deserve this. I hope she can get thru this.

Ian: Amara I think she'll be fine we just have to give her space when we see her and understand.

Jacob: yeah Ian's right. If she needs space we'll give it to her.

Dylan: Tell is when you guys get home.

Jacob: will do.

Issac: take care of her Jacob.

Jacob: I won't leave her side guys. See you.
I put my phone away and notice that the nurse is walking towards us.

"Family of Flora Rossy and Jackson Westlings?" The nurse asks. I lift up my hand and tell the nurse that If we can take the papers to sign at the house and bring them back ASAP.
"Sure. Here you go and you are such a lovely boyfriend. Have a nice day." The nurse says handing me the papers and walking away.

Boyfriend...tsk I wish. Wait what?

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