Twenty| "This is it."

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A few months later~

"WE GRADUATED BITCHES!" I yell as we all stand on the field with our diplomas.

"Finally we are out of this prison!" Rose says with a smile as drake gives her a kiss on the cheek.
I giggle and turn around to see Jacob coming this way.

"Jacob!" I yell as I run up to him and hug him tightly. "Hello princess." Jacob says while kissing me passionately. "I love you." I say with a huge smile. "Me too." Jacob whispers with a smile.

"Hello Love birds!" Megan says with a smile while walking towards us with Issac.

"Hey!" I say with a smile while I kiss her cheek and hug Issac.

Soon all the others start walking towards us. All of them with huge smiles. "Look it here,we've made it far." Amara says.

"Damn right we have. I can't believe we've all graduated." Drake chuckles.

While everyone makes conversation about our plans for now since we've all graduated I zone out and start looking around.

I realize all the friends I've made. All of us are having our happy endings and we are finally setting off. Dylan and Rose are still a happy couple as well as Amara and Ian. I'm glad to see my friends happy. Megan and Issac started dating too and I'm sure they're soulmates. Drake found himself a girlfriend too,her name is Emily and she's such a sweetheart.

And me?well... I ended up with the best man of them all. I ended up with Jacob. He saved me so many times in every way a person can be saved.
When I went into depression because of my parents death I never thought I'd be able to find happiness again but he was there for me throughout it all. He made me see the meaning in life,and I'll always love him for that.

"Babe?" Jacob says. "Oh yeah sorry I zoned off." I say with a laugh. Jacob smiles and hugs me tightly. "I'll love you forever Alexa Miller." Jacob says causing me to blush.

"So what college are you guys going to?" Ian asks. We all look at each other and smile widely.

"I'm going to Harvard!" I say putting my hands up.

Shocking right?

"So am I." Jacob says kissing my cheek. Everyone laughs and looks at us. "Who would've thought the big bad wolf and the pretty outgoing girl where gonna end up being a couple and going to Harvard?" Rose says with a smile.

"Well Ian,Rose,Drake and I are going to Columbian university." Amara says while jumping up and down. "Ek! I'm so excited!" Rose replies.

Soon after we all says which one we are going to and start talking about our future plans and that we should stay in touch,Etc.
1 week later after graduation.

"Look at us now." Jacob says as we sit on the picnic cloth. "I'm glad I fell in love with you." I say looking at the sky. "Couldn't agree more." Jacob says.
A few months later.

We had arrived at Harvard. We were quite until Jacob spoke up. "This is it,huh?" He says looking over at me. I smile and reply. "I guess so."
"Forever." Jacob says as we enter Harvard.

If you're wondering what happened to Sarah well she moved schools and after a while she called Dylan and apologized for everything and we talk once in a while. Her and this guy named Gabriel are dating and they're a very well known couple. Who would've thought right?

Enough of that. It seems like everyone had a happy ending.

The end

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