chapter 30

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               “Ow!” Leonardo cried out. When he had decided to spend his Evening chilling and cooling off,  finding himself over his brother's knee getting spanked bare was definitely not part of the plan. then again, since when did things go as planned? (A/N Seriously, since when?)

         what made you think hosting a party at our house till this ungodly hour was a bright idea?” Max said sternly as he alternated between cheeks landing two smacks each, causing Leonardo to kick and squirm, they had been at this for about 30 minutes now and this brother did not seem to find anything wrong with what he had done, thus angering max even more.

               “I don't know, maybe because you guys had the bright idea of finally leaving me alone?” Leonardo breathed, at this point his knuckles had turned white. he was at his 50th spank now and his eyes was already glistening with tears at this rate, he would break at any moment now.

             Max sighed as he continue to spank his brother, he had initially thought of only about 40 spanks, Seeing as lately, his little brother had been very vulnerable, yet very bratty, Max didn't know whether his brother was trying to act out, or just trying to frustrate them all, either way, he was at his wits end with his behaviour and not Even Diane's objections were able to stop him.  he was going to get to the bottom of this, tonight.

           Max had been so lost in his mini trance that he didn't realise Leonardo had began to gasp for air, and was now on the verge of vomiting. before Max could react though, Leonardo had soaked His suit pants, the carpet and the floor below them in vomit. but that wasn't the worst part, the worst part was that is was now sobbing loudly  as if his whole life had just crumbled down in front of him, and mumbling something along the lines of "I'm sorry" over and over again.

           Max didn't need any encouragement to scoop his crying brother up, bridal style and carry him into their bathroom, he was less concerned about his stain in his suit, or the audience that was currently behind him, as his brother vomited his lunch, and maybe his break fast too, into the toilet. speaking of the audience...

          “what did you do to him?!” Diane shrieked as she rushed to Leonardo side, sending a sharp glare towards Max, Before max could defend himself though, a small tiny voice had spoken “I-I'm sorry!”  The boy sobbed, Daniel let his siblings bicker over their petty indifferences while he took care of the boy. “hey bud, there's nothing to be sorry for” He cooed as he took his little brother into his arms, Rocking him as he sat on the now— closed toilet seat. After his sobs had died down, Daniel decided it was probably time to get him out of his clothes which  were soaked in sweat and vomit while he seemed to be shaking a bit.

          Daniel sat Leonardo on the toiler  seat and turned on the bath, He helped Leonardo get up, he steadied the boy with one  hand as he focused on getting the soaked pyjamas off him while trying to drown out the arguments from the his siblings. Soon, After he had undressed leonardo and checked if the water was at an appropriate temperature, he placed the boy in the tub and carried out the quick work on cleaning him up, trying to soothe him as his sobs slowly turned to small hicups and sniffles.

           “Shh” he cooed as he wrapped the sleepy teenager in a towel and placed him on his hip. all the time the man spent working out, was finally paying off. He could not wait to shove it in Diane's face when she had cooled off of course, the blonde girl had developed the cruel habit of insulting all the time he spent in her words wasting energy and effort In the gym.

          When he got out of the toilet, Leonardo was almost asleep on his hip, his arms wrapped around this neck like. a little child, Moments like these were rare, moments when they could spend time with each other, even though leo was close to sleeping “Danny...” Leonardo whispered as they entered the room, and Daniel barely heard him, “hey bud” He whispered back, Apparently Diane and Max had left him to deal with Leonardo alone how thoughtful
He wasn't complaining though. Daniel smiled. it had been a while since Leonardo had called him Danny, a long while.

  .      Daniel did the quick work of changing the boy into fresh pyjamas and tucking him into bed. He had started for a few minutes before deciding it was creepy and leaving the room.

  .      “Is he okay?” Diane had interrupted before Daniel could even form words. the man signed. “he's asleep, he ready looked troubled. I think he's sick. do you think he's  been hiding it from us?” Daniel rushed out. causing max to raise an eyebrow, Danirl had always been the cool carefree and fun older brother, so seeing him so worried was unnerving and now had the man on edge too

         “did he tell you anything about the party, why he did it?” Diane asked max,as she sat on the sofa. they were having this mini meeting. odd. but that was how they worked.

         “No, all he said were sarcastic remarks...” Max trailed off as he recounted the events of the last few minutes. “... You should have seen him though, The way his demeanor suddenly changed the moment he began to vomit, he looked terrified Diane...”

       “Terrified?” the girl repeated puzzled. “Max, do you think, maybe...maybe something else happened at the party tonight?” She said as the three mirrored a look. Something was going on with their little brother, and they were gonna find out. [A/N don't worry, I promise this isn't another one of my mystery escapades. :) but if you want a few mystery chapters with a smart Leonardo, speak now :)]

Alright humans!

I hope you are all doing well!

for those who read my other books which are just like this ones NOT ALONE and BROTHERS  I will be updating their chapters this week! yay!

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