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My eyes slowly opened and I met my mom sitting beside my bed.

Figured she'd come.

I sighed as Dad walked in creating an awkward atmosphere.

"How did this happen?" she said almost yelling at my father...

Who just shrugged her off.

This wasn't going to end well.

"I asked you a question, Adrian!"

"Well, I'm not obliged to give you an answer!" my father yelled back.

"What do you think Anna, you can walk out of our lives and come back in whenever you want?" my father said.

"I didn't walk out of your lives you kicked me out, and then you took my son away"

"oh really? and it took you 13 years to figure that out? Where were you all these years? You chose to leave and I just opened the door"

There is silence between them.

"I want my son back, back then I was weak I couldn't do anything while you ripped him from my arms"

"That's never gonna happen" Father yelled back.

"I won't let my son grow up with a sl-"

She slapped him, a tear sliding down her eyes.


Well, let me explain the whole scenario, Mom decided to leave Dad and pursue her career as a model when I was four, but Dad won custody in court.

Since then I lived with Dad, and he never let me see her, when I was ten Mom secretly visited me every night even though the security was very tight, we called each other most of the time,  but I had no clue how Mom figured out about the incident.

"stop!" I yelled at both of them who had probably forgotten I was in the room...

Silence roamed around until the door opened then it all came back, i was so engrossed in my parent's conversation that I forgot about last night's events, plus that I was in a HOSPITAL.

Yeah, it's all coming together now, the horrible smell and the depressing atmosphere.

"Dad,w-why am I here?" I knew his response but I silently hoped it was different...

"You fell unconscious baby," he said as he kissed my forehead.

"W-what about the party?"

"it was canceled."

"Why?" I asked feeling guilty.

"Get some rest honey," he said as the doctor who had been standing at the door waiting for my dad walked in.

I suddenly got nervous...

"Dad" I whispered with a meaningful look.

"it is just a test Leo," he said with a warm smile.

"B-but I'm  fine"

Why am I stammering?

"don't worry it won't hurt"

"b-but" I soon felt the dreaded needle pierce my skin.

I wanted to struggle but it was no use, and I hated being restrained plus Dad was there.

Mom slowly played with my hair roughing it up...

"there, it's done." the doctor said nicely.

Nice try. But I still hate you guys.

"Can we leave?"

I mentally praised myself for not stammering...

"Sure," my dad said I stood up...

"I'll walk"

He completely ignored me and piggybacked me.

I knew I was small for my age, but I didn't want anyone to see me getting piggybacked by my dad.


I buried my face in his back as mom kissed my forehead and left.

This sucks, I didn't even get to say goodbye.

"Dad?" I asked.


"I wanna go with Mom"

I hope you loved it

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