chapter 14:Words

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Daniel had met the most heartbreaking  sight he had even seen, his brother Leo  was curled up into a ball.

"call the nurse" he yelled out to Alicia

"Leo, listen to my voice buddy, come back to me, you're alright buddy" he whispered trying to calm him down, Leo rare had panic attacks Arthur's accident must have gotten to him.

"s-sing t-to him" a voice croaked  out
Daniel looked up only to be met with his fathers eyes opened

"dad!" he said glad but saddened as he remembered  the state Leo was in, Arthur removed his oxygen mask "sing, t-to him" he said again this time clearly.

Daniel nodded and began singing one of his brother's songs,which he always drafts down.

Listen to the echoes of my heart
Listen to the Melodies of my soul.
Cause I'll never leave, I'll always be,
right here
By your side to the moon and back.

When he was through with the song, Leo's breathing  had calmed down, just then the doctor and nurses barged into the room Daniel signaled him that everything  was fine. and couldn't help but coo at the sight of a sleeping Leonardo in his brothers arms both on the floor, Arthur couldn't  take his eyes off the sight.

"you are awake" the doctor said with a smile.
"I thought it was obvious" Arthur whispered
The doctor only sighed in relief, "I'm glad you are back on track,Arthur"the doctor said apparently  they knew each other, okay they did, Amelia had been their family doctor well ever since Daniel had been born, she was practically family
"you gave us a scare back there"she said
"that's odd you don't look frightened,something must have gone wrong" Arthur sassed though quite weak, it couldn't  be helped.
"I missed you dad" Daniel said staring at his father and holding his hand Leonardo was still asleep in his arms
"me too son" Arthur whispered
"guess who else did?" Daniel asked smiling before staring at the small sized boy in his arms
"I heard his words Daniel, he loves me"
"he always did dad, he always Did" daniel said.

"alright, he needs to get some rest and I would like to check on Leonardo  if you don't mind I just want to make sure-"

"there's no problem, just make sure he's  alright"

"he's  in the best hands" Amelia said smiling.


Leonardo's eyes fluttered open,  he could hear a gasp and was met with Alicia's emerald  green eyes, he smiled.

"you scared me back there, loser"
She said as she held his hand...

"really?that's odd you don't look frightened" he sassed, while Alicia fondly smiled at how  similar he was to his father.

"it's been two days,you just backed out, at first we thought  you were asleep but then  you refused to wake up-"

"whoa, whoa chill" Leonardo said trying to get his bearings.

"never.. Never do that to me again"she said emotions lacing her tone.

"you know I'm not good with promises"Leonardo said seriously

"no one is, and FYI i didn't  ask you to make a promise, it was an order" she said smiling, and he mirrored it.

"how's my dad?" Leonardo spoke.

"oh my, I think I heard someone call out my name"Arthur said entering the room he had just been admitted, Diane was beside him.

"i'm glad you're  fine" Diane said as planting a kiss on his forehead, "max and I were worried sick, Daniels at home resting. Poor guy's had it rough"

"that sounds awful, how about you old man, how're you coping? "

"better than you as you can see"

"damn! I must be really bad cause all I see is an old man with a walking  stick" Leonardo said causing every one in the room to chuckle.

"let's go get something  to eat Diane" Alicia

"hey!" Leonardo yelled


"I thought you were dieting?" he asked casually  with a smirk.

"and I thought you were sick" she sassed back rolling her eyes as she left followed by Diane.

Arthur cleared his throat before sitting down.

"Leo I've wanted to ask this"

"ask away the sky is your limit"

"did you mean what you said when you visited me"Arthur said seriously staring directly at Leo.

Well this was unexpected.

Hey guys,
Hope you are all safe.
If you liked the chapter  please vote comment and follow.
And don't forget, I have two other books like these that i'm sure you'll love.
They are titled 'not alone' and 'brothers'
Love you all xoxo

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