CRIME (1) - Edited.

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      So here I am.

       Laying flat on white sheets. I know you want to ask why, but I'll save explanations for later.

      "Why?! Leo why?!" My father's voice echoed throughout my room. It sent chills down my spine and I bit hard on my bottom lip.

      I never liked it when he yelled. Loud voices could throw me off balance and irritate me at the same time. I dug my teeth into my lip as I struggled to communicate my thoughts.

      "I-I-" I tried to speak but he cut me off with a —


      Dad had always been a strict disciplinarian. It wasn't that he was a bad person, he just had this profound ability to misunderstand me and take everyone else's side but mine.

      "How could you?!" He growled and the belt went down once again but this time in sequence.

       His voice was icy and the hits stung but I stayed put.

      This was worth it, it had to be worth it and truth was, I'd do it all again, Every single thing that happened tonight; I'd repeat it all over again because of the man— That man that dared to cross the line, Earned it.


      A groan escaped my lips and I tried to ignore the stinging sensation that was growing on my back. I reminded myself that he wouldn't understand me so it wasn't worth explaining. I was used to him concluding without hearing me out, and today would be no different.

      "Aren't you going to say anything? Defend yourself? At least give me a reason why?" He demanded in an authoritative tone.

     "Why?" I finally found my voice and clenched the white sheets. "So you can run over to your lover and tell her how much of a failure your son is? Isn't that what you always do?" I spat.

     My father, Arthur, did not reply. Instead, He sent the belt down in sequences again.

      My eyes stung and I sucked in a deep breath. I wasn't sure who I was more furious at; Arthur, for trying to control my life and constantly making me feel like I was weak, incompetent, and unable to fend for myself, Or me, who gave him countless reasons to think so.

      I mean I know what I did was wrong. But how did it get to this point? Why am I lying flat and getting spanked with a belt?

      Another three licks made me wince in pain.

      "Dad please stop!" I choked out. "Since when did my opinion even matter to you? What are you trying to achieve by doing this tonight huh? Do you want to feel like the world's best Dad, or what?" I spat.

       I don't know why I was trying my best to provoke him tonight. Maybe I just wanted to see how far he could go. Yes, that had to be it.

      Or maybe I wanted him to stop — to hear me out without putting other people's opinions before mine, to listen to me for once in his self-centered arrogant bubble of a life

     "Stop," I croaked out.

      Of course, that didn't happen.

      Mr. Monte just had to be heartless tonight. He just had to be.

      "oh really? I should stop? Does it hurt? I begged you too, remember? I warned you, I told you to stop, I whispered, I spoke and yelled. But noo...Leonardo just had to be the sassy brat he is!" He stopped and paced to and fro the room to calm down.

      I sighed. My beef was not with him, but rather with the egocentric right-hand man he had.

      When I see that Edward guy I'll murder Him!

     "So, Leo why are we here?" His words pierced through my thoughts and the first tear escaped. I wasn't good at enduring pain, but I didn't like people seeing me in pain either.

      Okay, maybe I'm not good at all, or maybe this is my first time.

      Who cares anyway?

      "Leo!" My dad yelled, I almost flinched at the tone.

      He brought the belt down in a horrific pattern...

     I had to speak, to say something, anything.

     "i-i -" I mentally slapped myself at my miserable attempt at communication

     "or no," He spat. "I have no time for this, I want you all dressed up and downstairs ready to apologize to our guests"

     Wait does he want me to go down there?

     After everything that happened?

     A demon possessed him. No one could convince me otherwise.

    No, it's all Edward's fault. I promise  I'll murder that guy.

    "Up!" My father pulled me up by my bicep. He's cruel huh? Wait till you find out what I did.

    I found my balance and made my way to the closet.  If looks could kill, I'd be six feet under by now, He was beyond furious. I pushed the thoughts aside and stood up.

    I winced with each step and then pulled out a sweatpant.

    "There's no way you are wearing that," He spat as he brought out a box from the side of the bed.

   My birthday gift.

   "Wear this," He said sternly and walked out.

    Once he was out of earshot or sight. I let myself slide down the wall and the tears rolled down my cheeks. It wasn't the hits that hurt, it was the fact that he reminded me over and over again that I was some sort of issue or problem he had to deal with, I didn't choose to be problematic, I promise.

    Trouble just seemed to follow me everywhere.

     I wiped away the tears and pulled myself together, I had a party to attend and apparently, an apology to give a bunch of people who couldn't care less about me.

     Well, some seventeenth birthday this turned out to be.

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