Chapter 31

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Well, I know no apology will work, so I won't apologize 😅 I am back now though! it's been about three months since I updated this book and it has grown so much! I mean 50,000 reads?! OMG guys! so I said I had to update cause you guys are amazing! I will also update my other books, twice a week❤️

I was busy cause I signed three novels to Goodnovel and Novel cat! link is in my bio to support them! If you support them I will give you a bonus chapter, hehe don't mind me, just please support ❤️😅 here's the chapter!!!

  Leonardo woke up with a start, It wasn't a loud noise, no. it was anything but that, it sounded like someone was humming, but they sounded too loud for his liking, Leonardo finally opened his eyes and they immediately locked with Daniel.

“May I ask why you are looking at me like that?” He asked sharply, this seemed to startle Daniel, Leonardo huffed, the man acted weird sometimes.

“I-I thought you were sleeping”

“and since when was sleeping an excuse to gawk at someone?" Leonardo said sarcastically as he got up from his bed and headed out of the room.

“And where are you going to?”

“I'm going to see where that humming was coming from, since you were busy gawking you probably didn't have enough time to hum”

“well build a bridge and get over it” Daniel shot back as he rolled his whoa

“whoa” Leonardo gasped “Danny has finally learned some sass” He taunted as he headed down the stairs, the sound was getting louder as he proceeded to the living room, Daniel was hot on his heels.

“Good morning Leo, How are you feeling?” Diane asked as she stopped humming and glanced at him, oh. so that's where the humming was coming from.

“Feeling? what are you talking about?” Leonardo asked confused, what was she talking about?

Diane stared at Leonardo as if he had magically grown two heads. Was he joking with her? or had he forgotten what happened yesterday, before she could inquire about it though, Max came in, Daine caught a glance of Leonardo's flinch, she raised an eyebrow, since when was Leonardo scared of Max.

“I'm home and I have great news”

“Even better news than you not being here for the past three hours?” Diane shot at him

“I don't know about that, but it's better than your horrible cooking” Max replied sharply, Diane gasped

“How dare you? it took me hours to do that" she said loudly

“why are both of your attacking each other?” Leonardo asked as he picked an apple from the dining and sat down, their pair of eyes followed his movement, Diane wasn't sure he was normal at this point, just yesterday he had been terrified, and now? he was acting completely oblivious, Maybe Max was right, a trip was what they all needed, they all needed to relax and calm down, but how was it possible that Leonardo had no memory of yesterday.

They had begun to eat quietly, only the sound of Spoons assaulting plates was heard, A few seconds passed before Leonardo spoke “Where are dad and mum? I haven't seen them” Leonardo asked quietly

“Leo—" Max tried

“Leo, do you remember what happened last night?” Daniel cut him off

“What happened last night?” Leonardo shrugged. “Did Alicia Arrive? we were supposed to meet, did you run into her?"

“Alicia? no, we arrived at noon, No one was at home when we came, we saw that you had just a little party” Diane replied

“A party?” Leonardo asked

“Yes Leo a party, can't you remember?” Daniel said

“If I could remember I wouldn't be asking Daniel,” Leonardo shot at him.

Diane would have been convinced, but she had a bad feeling and things just weren't adding up, she knew her Leonardo was not the same, but she couldn't point on what was different, what had happened in the two days that they hadn't been here, and how is that Leonardo claims that he had an appointment with Alicia, if Alicia said they had spent the two days together and that she left just a few minutes before they Arrived? something was wrong, and Diane was desperate to find out what was wrong

Diane dropped her cutlery and bit her lip, “Leo, we were thinking,”

“Oh no,” Leonardo spoke.

“What's wrong?” Diane asked confused.

“Don't mind me, it's just that whenever you think, things turn out amazing, I mean look at the past few days, I had a blast” Diane heard Leonardo speak.

“Look Leo, I know that you are mad at us for leaving like that, but it was a very important issue, it—” Diane tried to explain.

“It was about mom, wasn't it? She's leaving again isn't she, like she always does” Leonardo spoke. his voice was heavy as he stood up. “Well this time, till her not to come back” he spat as he headed up the stairs.

“Leonardo! wait, Leo!” Diane called after him, but something caught her eye, While Leonardo was running up the stairs his shirt ran up his back, Diane wasn't sure what she saw but it looked like a bruise “Max! how could you?" Diane yelled.

“What—what did I do?” He asked completely clueless

“What did you do? you've done a lot of things, first, you disappear and then you appear and if that was not enough, Your mother is ruining our brother's life again, and you are not far from it,  that trip was a bad idea  and now we— we don't even know what's wrong with him, Something's wrong with him”

“What are you saying, Diane?” Daniel asked.

“stay out of this Daniel, you are not too far away too, all you do is hit him and demand respect from him, you've never given him a chance to speak, and— and since when Did you hit him on his back?”

“Enough Dee! look I know that I am quite strict with Leonardo, but he knows that I care about him a lot, and how can you even imagine that I would hit him on his back, how? I thought that we were close Diane but I see that no matter what, I will always be your stepbrother”

“Don't take to heart max, she is just a bit confused right now, I mean, aren't you too? Leonardo seems like his sassy self but something is missing, I feel like he is trying too hard to hide something, as a child Leonardo never knew how to lie, so he always put a lot of effort into it. That's why it was always very obvious”

“Well if, If you didn't hit him on his back, and I saw a bruise, then who did it?” Daine
asked as fear flashed before her eyes, “who hit him?” She demanded and their silence was not good enough.

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