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      "Leo, you have got to talk to us!" Diane called out as she ran towards him and spoke again when he spun around and locked eyes with her "eventually," she whispered.

"I don't want to talk. I am fine." Leonardo said. It was the same thing he had been saying for the past few weeks and it just didn't sit well with Diane. She knew something was wrong with her brother, but she had no clue what.

Something was off. The way he flinched at times, how he barely met any of their gazes, his sarcastic comebacks had been reduced to nothing more than "I'm fine" or "Leave me alone"

Diane felt like she was losing her brother and all she could do was stand afar and watch the spectacle.

Her fingers dug into her nails as she spoke again "Is anyone hurting you? Please tell me!" She begged as she took a step towards him but he took a step back. Silence fell for a while before he spoke.

"There is someone." He whispered. Diane's ears perked up at that "three actually," the locked eyes and he looked away "they've been messing with my head and choking me lately, oh and yeah!" he suddenly said "one of them is, unfortunately, standing in front of me now" He spat.

Diane huffed as her blonde hair fell out of its loose bun. She ran her hands through her hair and turned in the opposite direction to her room, she was so frustrated at this point.

Diane plopped down on the bed at a loss of what to do next, She glanced at her laptop which sat on her desk, an idea casually crept into her mind and she stood up and walked over to the desk, she turned on the laptop and researched "flinching in teens" it might have sounded stupid, but that was the most prominent behavior Leonardo was exhibiting

Issues like Abuse, Drugs among many others popped off. Diane huffed. She was about to let out a frustrated sigh when her phone rang. She raised an eyebrow at the caller and picked it up, Max never called in the afternoons, he was always busy with work.

"Dannie..." His voice trailed off, Max also never called her Dannie.

"What happened. Is something wrong?" Diane asked in a tearful tone.

"It's Leonardo," He began. Diane felt a lump grow in her throat.

"What about him?" She demanded.

"He-Leo-Leo cuts Dannie!" Max cried through the phone. Max never cries. Max was the strongest out of them all, He was the shoulder people cried on, and now...?

The phone fell out of Diane's hands as she fell back against the chair, she suddenly felt the strength drain from her limbs and the one question that rang about in her head was:


A tear fell down her cheeks as she raised the sleeve on her left arm up, she traced her hand across the scars, scars from a year ago that still tormented her to date. She didn't want the same for her Leonardo. She had to do something, She had to fix this.

Diane barely registered walking out of her room towards  Leonardo's room and she was not ready for the sight she met in the room.

Sometimes, knocking works better than barging in. Doesn't it?

I'm sorry! But do you fancy some bonding between Diane and Leo? Or Leo and Arthur? 2

How are you doing?

There's gonna be fluff, lots of fluff coming up in the next chapters ❤️

Also, I created an account on Instagram, I'm trying to reach 100 followers. Could you please follow me @oyindaslarules? I would appreciate it!

Lots of love from  "Your girl in dah chair"

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