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Daniel paced to and fro the waiting room,  restlessness currently playing a pessimistic game on his mind,  he sighed as he thought of what he would do if his father died,  how would he live without the man he looked up to all his life,Diane would completely shatter and Leo, 


His eyes were reddened from all the tears he had shed since the previous night,  apparently he dad was in ICU, and he would only be allowed to see him few minutes from now.

Daniel sighed tiredly as he flopped down the chair,  it had been torture all night watching the doctors scurry to and from the hall,  with blank expression, and he didn't want to believe that  crap about 'no news is good news' that only worked in movies.

Daniel had soon expected to hear his name being called,  or the doctor brief him about the heart attack, but the one thing he didn't expect was for Leonardo to barge   into the hospital with reddened eyes followed by a confused and worried Alicia, to grab his collar and yell in his face.

"where is he?!where's dad?!"he yelled as more tears fell, Daniel had never seen Leonardo in this condition not even when his mother left.

"he-"Daniel began and as if saved by the bell the nurse finally spoke "family of Arthur lymph"the nurse called out "here" Leonardo yelled roughly shoving Daniel aside as Alicia followed him closely holding unto his hands for support. He knew they wouldn't use their last name to avoid the press trying to make a show out of their grief. Alicia gave him a sympathetic smile,which he tried to mirror but failed "how are you related?"

"we're his sons" Daniel answered finally coming out of his temporary shock.

"Right ahead, turn left, room 302" she said and Leonardo sped ahead followed by a worried Alicia,while Daniel tried to get more information about his father from the nurse,apparently he was stable and could leave tomorrow. 

Leonardo had pressed his brakes as he reached the door fresh tears stung his eyes as he looked at his father covered into,aided with an oxygen mask and an IV on his hand, nothing could be heard except from the constant beeping of the heart monitor and drops of the drip that was connected to his body.

"D-dad?" Leonardo asked, whether it was denial, or stubbornness he still could not believe it was his father laying in that bed struggling to survive, he didn't want him like this he wanted him awake, so he sass him with his witty comeback,  he felt a pang in his chest as he remembered their last conversation..

"look at me leo"Arthur said as he raised his son's chin up, "I love you, I love you so much, I sent you to the best schools, you live in one of the most luxurious houses I've protected you from the worse things, where?how?when?did I go wrong?"
"from the beginning dad"Leonardo simply replied.

Another tear fell down his cheeks as he sat down and held his father's hand which was connected to the IV, "dad..." his breathing hitched as another flash back,drew him from reality,all of this was his fault his parents lives were doomed when he was born, and he pushed his father too hard. he had been so lost in his thoughts he didn't notice his fathers eyebrows move and the tears that slid down, Arthur slowly opened his eyes and was shocked by the sight he was met with, while Alicia stood there helpless,she didn't know how to comfort Leo, she never even knew this side of Leo.

"One day, just one day, I'll show you I can be the father of the year"

He pushed him, he pushed him to the edge, "you already are dad, please wake up,  I'm sorry, say something, dad? I'll do anything please,say it tell me you love me one more time"he ranted.
practically choking on his words his heart rate increased rapidly and before he knew it he was having a full out panic attack, Alicia stood there shocked not knowing how to react she had never seen this vulnerable side of Leo, he was more of a reckless, badass playboy or that's what she thought she soon snapped out of her daze running down the halls and bumping into Daniel who looked at her shocked as she let's a few words escape her lips

"Y-your dad he-"Alicia tried as tears poured down her eyes

"and l-leo" she sobbed.

"what's going on tell me Alicia?" Daniel said desperate

"Something's wrong with Leo!"she blurted out and without another word Daniel bolted down the hallways to his little brother.

Sorry, I know this wasn't a sassy chapter nor did it have spice.

But I just wanted to mend the father-son relationship and let Leonardo let his emotions loose

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