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I slowly opened my eyes, the events of last night flashed through my mind,i smirked feeling like i had done justice.

I suddenly caught glimpse of a figure on my   bed, i almost jumped in fear till i heard someone speak

"you are awake" my dad said he was the figure, i heaved a half sigh of relief.

"Aren't you supposed to be at work?" i asked matter of factly with some attitude.

"Aren't  you supposed to be at school?" he replied with the same tone. And you were worried where i got my sass from.

"shit!" i muttered under my breath,as i checked the clock on the wall,

"Leonardo" my father said sternly.

"what?" i replied irritated, the last thing i needed was a conversation with him this morning. I stood up and noticed something

"wait. what happened to my alarm?" i asked annoyed.

"i broke it" my dad said unmoved.

"you broke my-"

"Leo, you're not going to school today"

"why?" i asked getting more annoyed by the minute, first he barged in here like he  owned the place, than he broke my alarm, now he's giving me orders, who is he? My dad? Wait. Ugh. He is my dad.

"first we need to have a conversation about the events of the past few days." my Dad said getting up.

"ohhh you mean how you whooped me with a belt for defending my mother's honor?" i asked staring at him clearly uninterested in what ever boring speech he was about to give.


"Don't have somewhere important to be? Cause i do."i asked staring at my watch.

"no, you are more important to me than than anything else"

"too bad. Well, i have many things more important you, so..i'm leaving" i said moving out, only to be stopped by two bulky men.

"Seriously dad?" i asked, intimidated but hid it, "cohesion?"

"leo we need to talk" my father said walking close.

"no. You want to talk." i said getting angrier.

"leo, i'm your dad, don't treat me like this"

"'re  not my dad, you are Mr Arthur Cassa, the president" i said as i tried to leave but those men just picked me up, i inwardly cursed my small stature.

"Let me go!put me down this instant! You assholes!"

"Take him to the living room" my father said effortlessly.

"i hate you" i said through gritted teeth.

"you don't mean that," father said obviously hurt, i felt bad but pressed on.

"you have no idea" i said as i was carried to the parlour and placed carefully on the chair like i would break.

My father sat down opposite me. There was a deep silence between us, since i wasn't ready to speak, and my father probably didn't know what to say, since his secretary hadn't written a speech for him ha!

"I'm sorry" he blurted out of no where

my eyes widened in disbelief did he actually just apologise, i mean my dad, Mr Arthur Cassa, the president.

I'm so honored (note sarcasm)

"i shouldn't have spanked you like that, next time, I'll make sure to hear your side of the story" he said quickly looking directly at me.

I stared back shocked, his words ran through mind,'spanked' 'next time' , wasn't that night an outburst, he wasn't about to treat me like a kid, if he thought so, he was in for a big surprise

"Leo?" my father asked, causing me to come back to reality.

"yes?" i asked with my usual attitude.

"were you even listening"

"i don't know?" i asked "maybe?" i smirked.

My dad took in a deep breath, he pinched the bridge of his nose and rested backwards on our comfy sofa.

"Anyways, there are some ground  rules now" he said.

Rules hes  . as he handed a piece of paper to his guard. Who passed it to me.

Formality eh?

I collected it, but before i could speak, my Dad spoke.

"they are only five, so they'll be easy to follow" i rolled my eyes at that.

I checked the paper, and read the rules.

1) no outdoor events with out permission.

Ha, he had got to be kidding me, there was no way this would be possible, i had a social life, he knew that.

2)No rude remarks.

Ok ok now this wasn't funny anymore, if it was a joke, it was a really bad one,there was no way i would stop being Sassy, i mean people feared me because of this! It was all i had, i mean, i have a Small stature, what does he think of himself sitting down and setting crappy rules.

3) No cussing,or violent outbursts.

I smirked,remembering yesterday's events. The look on  Edward's face was price less. I could do without the violent outbursts though i couldn't promises, but as far as cussing goes, that's a decision for another day.

4) Curfew 10:00pm, must be escorted by guards anywhere

This one is  a no-no. There is no was i was gonna  come home as early as that, plus with excursion,  no way, i already had enough with Allen, treating me like a child i can't have some nosy spy, following me every where.

I looked to the last one and it left me shocked.

5) No contact with Anne.

"this is ridiculous!" i said matter of factly as i stood up, "you can't  prevent me from see my own mother, and doing those other things, and an escort, seriously? Whats with the no out door events, i have a social life you know, lets not talk about the curfew, it's fucking retarded and-" i ranted but was stopped as pain raced through me , as my mind came to terms with the loud sound his hand made against my thigh.

He was in front of me now staring at me in the eyes, his stance looked intimidating, and i involuntarily, rubbed my thigh which he had just smacked.
"you have no right to do that!" i yelled through out.

" oh really?" he asked looking me in the eye, "last i checked i was still the  president and your father"

"you are not my father! You asshole!" another smack came down and more smacks, soon he stopped and sent me to the wall.

I stood there blankly, oh boy, if he thought he would have his way by being stubborn, he hadn't met his son.


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