chapter 28

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  Leonardo frowned. He didn't like the tension in the room, He had been woken up few minutes ago, to find out that max was back,  and for some reason  they were about this discussion that he wasn't looking forward to.

    He was still quite sleepy,  and fussy and tired  and still trying to control  his emotions the last thing he needed  was to 'talk' about it,  and with that thought in mind,  he glared at the wall.

    “Leo,” Max spoke first, as he put down his coffee “we're worried about you”

    “is this the part where I pretend to care?” I shot at him,  I would blame my recent lack of sleep  and the blurred events of yesterday.

   “Leo-” Diane began buy Daniel  cut her off

  “I won't allow you to talk to him like that” Daniel warned.

   “and who said I was asking for permission” I said, irritated. What did they expect? This whole madness began with their ignorance, Max abandons him and shows up overnight, and now they are demanding for him to be civil, screw it.

“Leonardo you can keep shutting us out” Diane said tears filled her eyes,  hypocrites. They were once again playing the guilt card. Leonardo felt like they were mocking him,  he felt like they weren't  understanding,  she didn't want to be cooked up in this meeting all he wanted to do was hide under his sheets and cry,  he was exhausted  from all the emotional stress,  and overwhelmed  by the fact that people continuously  wanted to poke into his life. His eyes stung with tears,but he held them back.

“Please leo-” Diane began,  she was in pain,  this was all their fault, they had pushed him this far.

Leonardo, closed his eyes trying to compose him self before he spoke “Fuck off” with that he proceeded to exit the table but was held back by Max,  whose face was stern.

“look,  Leo,  I know the past few months have been tedious, with the accident, the kidnapping Lola's  death, and my absence,  but buddy that was no way to talk to Diane,  she's had so many sleepless night because of you-”

“what about  me?” Leonardo spoke up,  as a tear fell down his eyes “what about my sleepless nights? what about my nightmares? what about my pain? You guys...” he said as he took a step back and pointed to them all,  “all of you, you keep bugging me,  and taunting me, what do you wanna hear? Huh?!”  he said as tears poured  down his eyes.

Daniel pulled him into his arms,  and maybe it was the intensity of the situation  or the warmth of being with his brothers and the security it brought,  which ever it was, it was at that point the dam. Broke, and leonardo begin sobbing violently. Daniel shared a worried look with Max and he came forward to pick him up as Leonardo was awfully lighter than before,  he rocked him trying his best to calm him down, but his cries carried on,  it was like he was venting out,  finally expressing all the pain and frustrations of the past few months, “shh” Max cooed getting more worried than he already was.

“i... I see her in my dreams!  S-she hates me!” Leonardo sobbed into Max's neck. Max rubbed his back as he tried to calm down and  in less than 30 minutes his cries reduced to sniffles.

   Daniel sighed in relief, as he flopped  down on the couch, “I hope he gets better” he said and Max shushed him. he's trying to sleep”

“he must have been exhausted” Diane whispered  as she ran her hand through  his curly hair “bubba” she cooed as he whimpered slowly opening his eyes, and spoke up “I.. I wanna get better” Leonardo spoke up,  and Max felt his heart break, “and we are gonna help you Bubba,” Max  spoke, as he took his hand “let's get through this together and as a team”  Diane said as the four of them did an awkward  group hug.

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