sixteen ; purple

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When people say that a lot can happen in just one year, they weren't exaggerating. It's ridiculous what kind of things can unfold in 365 days.

It has been exactly one year, four months and ten days since I moved away from Santa Cruz, California to Miami, Florida. The move was a big change for all of us, it all happened so fast. My dad's job was taking over his life even more now, Cody graduated college last summer and was pursuing his dream of being a pediatric nurse and me, well like I said a lot has happened.

I attended college for a while, but I didn't find much interest in it. After a couple of weeks of boring classes I stumbled upon a flyer that was looking for a guitarist for their band- The Laced. Surprisingly, I got chosen and immediately clicked with my band members.

There was David and Max Lowell, they were brothers and were the ones who started the band. David was the younger brother, but he was incredibly great on the drums and sort of the smooth talker, really great with the ladies so I tended to just joke around with him affectionately cause we both had a mutual understanding that there was never going to be an "us". His older brother Max was the bass player, an amazing one too. Max had a weird attraction to anything that swam so their loft was filled with tanks and bowls of any aquatic animal they found on the beach, fishes, crabs, snails, frogs, etc. David found them all disgusting, but since it was his brother's loft he tolerated the cramp space of aquatic creatures. Besides his weird hobbies, Max was sort of our band's manger, booking gigs and promoting us on every social media there was.

Then there was Casey Foxx, she was the only other girl in the band. She was the lead singer, and a good one at that. She also wrote pretty much all of our songs. She was incredibly smart, she even got accepted into Harvard, but declined so she could stay with her sick mom in Florida and that's where she met the Lowell brothers a few years back. She also doubled as the band's finical manger, making sure we raised and spent the appropriate amount of money.

I thought they were all fucking amazing, but my dad didn't like them at all. In fact he hated the fact that I was in a band and not focusing on my studies, he threatened to throw me out the house if I didn't leave the band. So I did the practical thing to do in that situation- I moved out, dropped out of college and moved into David and Max's "bachelor pad".

Like I said, a lot happened in just one year. It was actually a huge year for The Laced, we had booked more gigs than ever before according to Max and now we had been invited to play in a music festival in California, we are all pretty stoked.


"Max, hurry up, we're going to be late!" David honked the van's horn. "For Christ sakes, he always does this"

Casey and I giggled in the backseat, crushed by all our equipment and luggage. "What time is our flight again?" I asked, pushing a fallen bag off my lap.

"In an hour, hopefully we get there in time since Max won't hur-"

Just then Max swung the passenger door open and climbed in.

"Well it's about time" David quickly started the engine and pulled away from the curb.

"Sorry, I had to make sure the sitter had all the correct directions in caring for our watery friends" Max flashed us a smile through the rear view mirror as he adjusted himself in his seat.

I glanced over at Casey who's legs were furiously shaking, I put my hand on top of her knees to ease the speed "You okay Case? Nervous?"

She nodded "Yeah I guess, I've never been outside of Florida is all. Kind of nerve-wrecking"

"Yeah but we're going to Cal freaking fornia!" David cheered, banging his hands on the rim of the steering wheel as Max joined in his mini celebration.

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