eleven ; hurt

369 18 8

It didn't take long for me to get home, considering the fact I ran several stop signs and may or may not have violated several traffic laws but now here I was on my porch wiping my eyes dry so Cody wouldn't see me this way. I straightened my shirt and tried my best to hide the fact there was drops of tears all over the front of it before I swung the door open.

"Cody?" I called walking inside the unusually quiet and dark house. I walked into the living room and switched the lights on to reveal Cody face down on the couch, surrounded by ripped pieces of papers.

"Oh my god are you okay?" I rushed over to him only to find his eyes red and puffy and rimmed with tears, the exact face I had not but two minutes ago. I looked on the floor to discover the pieces of papers were letters. Letters his girlfriend would send him every week in efforts in making their long distance relationship work.

"She was cheating on me" he sniffled before burying his face into the couch again. I let out a sigh as I lifted his head up so I could position myself on the couch, allowing him to rest his head on my lap.

"I guess this wouldn't be a good time to say I was right" I laughed a little causing him to sit up and look at me. I had a better view of his face, which looked completely broken and I couldn't help but feel his pain. Maybe it was like a brother-sister connection or the fact of my new realization that I infatuated with somebody who would never feel the same way. "If it helps, I'm not having too much luck in the relationship department either" I sighed resting my head on his shoulders.

"I thought you didn't believe in all these things" he replied stroking my hair. My brother knew me better than anybody else in the world, we were always close as children since my parents would spend most of their time arguing with each other. He tried his best to ensure I didn't hear any of it, but I always did although I pretended his methods of hiding in the closet with him, eating all the candy we could find in the house to distract us from their violent outburst, actually worked. I admired him a lot.

"I don't. Liking somebody isn't that same as loving someone. Love is a joke, it's not real"

He took his arms from around my shoulders and leaned forward to grab a letter from the table, unopened but it was clear it was from Tiffany, his now ex girlfriend. He let out a sigh before he spoke "Love isn't a feeling, Frankie. Love is a person" he then preceded to rip the letter in half and let it fall to the ground to join the other torn pieces of broken promises and beautiful lies written on paper. "You just have to find them"

I smiled sweetly, rubbing his back then I got an idea. "Wait here" I ordered as I jumped up and walked to kitchen to proceed to grab all the chips, candy, chocolate I could find and hurried back into the living room "Comfort food" I explained as I dumped the food items onto Cody's laps.

"Are you trying to get me fat?"

I chuckled "No dumb ass. Remember when mom and dad use to fight and we would just binge out on food in the closet. I thought we would recreate those moments minus the closet and the arguing" I flashed him a smile as I plopped down next to him and grabbed the bags of potato chips.

He hesitated for a moment before he shrugged and dove his hands into the bowl of chocolate bars "Why the hell not" he ripped it open and stuffed the bar of chocolatey goodness into his mouth letting out a moan causing me to laugh.

We didn't say a word for a while, too busy with stuffing our stomach's with sweets to fill in the holes in our hearts.

"So" Cody said breaking the silence "What caused my dear sister's stone cold heart to get all mushy all of a sudden?"

I never hid anything from Cody, I even told him about how I lost my virginity like it was as easy of telling him I got a C on a school assignment. So why, when I was just about to tell him about Michael the words fell right off my tongue?

"I guess somebody changed my perspective on everything" I shrugged popping a chocolate ball into my mouth. "But I guess that was dumb of me cause now I don't feel anything but pain, and I hate that. And I hate that I let him get so close to me that he had the power to make me feel like this"

I felt a tear trickle down my cheek so I quickly wiped it away before Cody noticed it. I glanced over at him, he was no longer stuffing his face with food instead he was staring at me before he let out a smile. A smile that almost said "I know who you're talking about, but I won't say his name and ruin this moment for you". I dusted the crumbs off my lap before standing up and placing the food on the coffee table in front of us.

"I'm going to sleep, it's been a long day and I'm exhausted" I admitted as Cody nodded.

I walked towards the stairs but decided to walk back into the living room to tell Cody something he needed to hear "Tiffany didn't deserve you" he turned around to look at me "You're a great guy Cody, and I know I don't believe in love but I believe you deserve it"

"Thanks Franks" he smiled a little before he went back to cleaning up the food, I took that as a cue to leave and head up to my room.


It was past 3 in the morning when I heard my phone beep. I sat up and switched my lamp on, causing my eyes to shield itself from the sudden change of brightness in my dark room. I looked at my phone to see I got a message from Michael. What the hell was he doing up at this hour?

Michael Clifford: I just got home from Nicki's house, guess what she said? (:

I thought of not replying but I had to remember Michael didn't know how I felt about him and I wasn't planning of him ever finding out so I quickly replied a "what?" Even though I already knew the answer but when my phone lit up yet again confirming my guess, my heart hurt all over again. I didn't bother replying after that and tried my best to go back to sleep but the image of Michael and Nicki together kept tugging on my mind, keeping me awake. I decided to go downstairs and warm up some milk, hoping that would at least help me overcome the thoughts.

As I walked on the cold floor down the stairs and towards the kitchen I noticed the lights in my dad's office was still on. I wasn't much of an eavesdropper but I couldn't help but overhear him talk on the phone with his assistant about some trucks that were scheduled to come in a couple of weeks. I wasn't sure what the trucks were for but before I could continue down the hall I heard him say "Yes, I bought that three bedroom loft so the kids can have their own rooms again"

Were we moving again?

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