twenty seven ; love story

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Dear Frankie,

It has been two years since your death, and truthfully I don't think the world has fully recovered. Your grave has not gone one day without being covered with flowers, even in the cold there is always a mound of vibrant colors. You left this world leaving an impact in every life you touched. Your fans grieve your music, your band grieves your presence, David grieves your touch, your brother grieves his sister and your mother grieves what she knew of you. And I, in the most selfish way grieve your entire existence. I am thankful you did not leave us without a piece of you, the most precious piece I have had the privilege of seeing grown into our beautiful flower. Ava, she has your eyes, it's the most refreshing pain every time she sparkles her eyes at me for it reminds me so much of you.

I looked up from writing to the small child sitting across the dinning table, rubbing her pink crayons hard onto her paper and her little tongue stuck out as she concentrated to finish her drawing. I chuckled lightly to myself causing her to look up and smile.

"Daddy look" she held up her paper "It's you and me drinking pink milk!"

"That's beautiful babe, why don't we go hang that on the fridge and get ready for your party, hm?"

She nodded pushing herself away from the table and jumping out of her chair. I grabbed her drawing as she led me to the fridge and picked out a magnet. I placed it on the fridge as she snapped the magnet on top of it before clapping her hands in excitement.

"Looks pretty good up there with the rest of your art, right kiddo?" I picked her up and kissed her nose, letting out a laugh from my daughter.

"Put your art there, daddy" she pointed to the letter on the table.

"Oh that's not art baby, that's a letter to your mommy" I showed her the letter, and even though she couldn't quite read yet she still grabbed it and pretended she did.

"Put it in the box?" she asked excitedly, referring to the mailbox outside.

"Well this letter isn't exactly something you can mail"

She frowned.

"But I'll tell you what, if you grab your jacket we can go bring it to mommy" instantly her blue eyes lit up and it gave me the most painful joy to see. I choked back some tears as she squirmed out my arms and ran to her room.

I grabbed my pen to finish the letter,

As you know she is now two, and she is so full of life. She's so artistic, I think I may have bought her all the crayon colors they have ever made. She goes see's her Uncle David and Max every weekend and they take her to their rehearsals, she always has a story to tell about it. She's so excited for her party tonight, especially to see her new baby cousin I'm pretty excited as well I've missed Cody. Calum, Luke, Ashton and Casey are all taking time off their busy lives to come as well. It'll be good to get everyone together again.

I miss you Frankie, and I don't want to write the ways I miss you in fear of writing something not worthy of their meaning to describe how much I wish you were here to be with us.

I'll love you forever, see you soon.


"Daddy come!" Ava was already at the door hands on her hips, her jacket misbuttoned.

"Alright alright princess I'm coming" I folded the letter and placed it my coat pocket. I scooped Ava up into my hands, fixing her buttons as we headed into the car.


"Ava slow down, you're going to trip" I called after her watching as she ran as fast as her little legs could carry her as she held a teddy bear in one hand which did not help her balance.

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