two ; the bet

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After a full week of the same typical routine, I started to get bored.

It was always:

Wake up

Eat breakfast

Scold Cody for smoking

Drive to school

Go to classes

Go home

Argue with dad

Call Nicki

Hide Cody's stash

Tune guitar

Eat dinner



But now it was a Friday night and Nicki, who I now considered my friend, had to work so I had no plans for my first weekend in Santa Cruz.

My dad was working late at the office again, Cody was making kissy faces to his laptop like a complete weirdo.

Just kidding, he was actually Skyping with his girlfriend, Tiffany. Which I thought was a complete waste of time, because this was not a movie and long distance relationships never work out.

So here I was wrapped in a blanket, sitting on the opposite side of the couch from my brother while flipping through the channels on the TV. Suddenly I heard a loud banging outside.

I sat up quickly and glanced to Cody who looked totally unfazed from the weird noise outside.

I kicked him on the side gently but he swatted my foot away and continued his gushy conversation with Tiffany.

"Pssst, Cody" I whispered "I think somebody's outside"

He rolled his eyes and got up from the couch "Sorry Frankie was bugging me, continue with your story" He pranced upstairs with his laptop girlfriend leaving me alone on the couch.

Great, I guess I have to be the one who checks out the noise.

I crept outside, an umbrella in my hand, scanning the yard.

I stood on my porch, hands on my waist when I realized nothing was out here and I was just probably going crazy. But before I could turn around and head back inside, a petite girl fell from the roof landing with a loud groan. I quickly ran to her hoping I didn't have to explain to the cops that a girl jumped from our roof and I had nothing to do with it.

She looked up at me, with her doe eyes. Thank God she was alive. Her hair was three different colors. Pink, purple, and white. All layered on top of each other in a pixie like haircut.

"Hi" She beamed, jumping up like nothing happened.

"Are you okay?"I panicked searching for any evidence of blood.

"Yeah why wouldn't I be?" She shrugged, getting up and brushing off the grass on her pink skirt.

"You just fucking fell from my roof"

She giggled as if this was a typical thing,

"I'm Beth Wells" she shook my hand vigorously.

At this point I was thinking this girl probably escaped from the mental hospital and came here to kill me to ease her psychotic rage.

"I'm Frankie, um what were you doing on my roof?" I snatched my hand back, looking a little bit uneasy.

"Oh we were trying to get a view of Michael's room"

"Why were you trying to-, wait did you say we?"

Just then three other boys emerged from my bushes.

typical love story // mgcWhere stories live. Discover now