one ; red

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Moving houses for my family became so common, I never even bothered to unpack half of my stuff. This method proved very handy for me, when we yet again had to move houses for my father's job.

So as I waited for the rest of my family to unpack their things (which I told them was extremely unnecessary but they shooed me away ) I sat on my new window sill in my new room and looked out onto our new neighborhood. I liked to observe our neighbors and come up with background stories for each one, since we would not be staying long enough to even bother to get to know everybody. For example there was an old women who lived in a small blue house right across the street watering her flowers. I had given the story of being a widow, who's children only come to visit every other Friday but only because they pitied their feeble mother and they brought her flowers every time and that it why her front lawn was clattered with pots of different varieties of flowers and plants.


I twirled around on my bum to face my door only to find my brother standing there holding a box labeled "Frankie's Shit"

"What's up, Cody?"

"Just because you're not going to unpack your shit doesn't mean you can leave it down in the truck for other people to bring it up for you"

"Chill bro, I brought my stuff up here. I guess I just forgot that one" I stood up and yanked the box from his hands.

"Watch that attitude, I'm older than you so I'll be in charge when dad's at work" He warned. "And by the way there's still two boxes down there with your shit in it"

He rolled his eyes as he walked out my room, after a few moments I set the box down and followed behind him towards the front yard. I dragged myself towards the moving truck and sure enough there were two boxes with my name on it.

I huffed away a piece of hair that was dangling in front of my face as I grabbed one and headed back in the house. But before I could I noticed a boy with red hair making his way towards me with a plate of cookies. He had several tattoos on his arms, one only visible only because he was wearing a Blink-182 muscle tank, and he had a brow piercing. What a typical neighborhood boy.

"Hey I'm Michael Clifford, I live next door, my mom told me to give this to you guys. Sort of a welcome-to-the-neighborhood-hope-you're-not-physcos kind of thing"

It was clear he had an Australian accent which was very rare considering we were in Santa Cruz, California.

I balanced the box on the edge of my knee and under my elbow as I happily took the plate of cookies from his hands and took a bite of one, surprisingly they were soft and gooey "You're not from around here are you?"I said waving the cookie in the air.

"And obviously you're not from here either" he smirked, looking at the moving truck that came all the way from Montana.

"Good observer" I swallowed the last bite of my cookie before brushing off the crumbs on my shirt.

"I'm not going to fall in love with you"

I nearly choked "Excuse me?"

"I'm not going to fall in love with you like in those crappy romantic movies where a girl moves in and the guy next door falls hopelessly in love with her"

I raised my eyebrows "Oh shucks, and I was really looking forward to you throwing rocks at my window at midnight and singing me cute little songs on your guitar"

I faked pouted causing him to let out a chuckle "Glad to know we're on the same page then"

And just like that he turned back around and walked back to his house without, once looking back.

typical love story // mgcWhere stories live. Discover now