six ; second thoughts

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After finishing breakfast I ran back into my room and quickly changed. I slipped into some ripped jeans and a flowy white top and threw my hair into a bun. I grabbed the car keys from Cody's room and ran out the house without saying a word. I sped directly to Nicki's house and furiously pounded on the door until eventually Beth opened it, eyes widened.

"Is everything okay, Frankie?" She asked but I just brushed past her and walked in.

"Where's Nicki?"

"Right here!" Nicki waved her hands in the air still laying on the couch, hugging a bag of salted pretzels. I sat myself down at her feet and blew away a piece of loose hair from the front of my face.

"Ashton's going away for a month, I don't know what to do"

She shrugged "Just break it off before he leaves so he can't tell the boys while he's gone, they aren't allowed phones. Their coach says it distracts them or some bullshit like that"She plopped a pretzel in her mouth, eyes still glued on the TV featuring monkeys swinging from branch to branch as a narrator documented their every move.

I scratched the back of my neck "I don't know if I can do it"

She instantly shot up from her seat,pushing her bag of pretzels on the floor and looked over her shoulder to see if Beth was listening. Thankfully she was heading upstairs to her room, looking uninterested in our conversation.

"Frankie listen to me" She started to shake me by my shoulders "I like my blonde hair, and I'm sure you like yours. You can't give this up now"

I got up and started pacing back and forth "I don't know, I just don't know. There's a reason why he gets so many girls Nicks- he knows how to make them feel something."

"Oh god, you love him" Nicki said in disgust.

"No! I don't love him, it's just when I'm around him I feel so damn guilty" I corrected.

She started tapping her foot on the ground, in deep thought. Suddenly her face lit up "I know! We can just write him a letter and mail it to him before he leaves. So you don't have to deal with the tears and all that"

I shrugged, it was a horrible way to break up with somebody but it was better than choking up in person.

"Alright but I'm not very good at all that sentimental shit"

"Not to worry, luckily for you my ex broke up with me through a letter too and he's into poetry and all that so we just copy his letter, change my name with Ashton's and adjust it a little and it's good to go"

"What a heartless bastard" I remarked causing Nicki to laugh,

"Not as heartless as us" I smirked back at her before she led me up to her room and into her closet.

She reached up on the top shelf and grabbed a white box. She emptied everything inside out on her bed, it was just receipts and drawings but there was one red envelop in there.

"Here it is!" Nicki exclaimed grabbing the red envelope and took out the letter inside. "Here, I'll just get you a paper and pen and you can start writing before the mailman comes around"

I nodded as I sat myself down and began copying down the note,

Dear Ashton,

The time we spent together were the best time's of my life. When I was around you I felt nothing but happiness and security. You are a great person inside and out, and I still have not fully wrapped my head around the idea of you being mine. But that's just the thing, I don't think I was ever yours and you were never mine.

(Here was the part Nicki suggested I changed)

I learned about your past. Your past with all the different girls in town and what became of their hearts. I don't want to be added into your little collection, but I must admit you played the role really well. Don't bother trying to get me back, I hold very long grudges. This is the end of you and me. The end of us.


Frankie Heights

"Oh yeah, this would definitely break my heart" Nicki said reading it over before sealing it in an envelope but not before kissing it, proud of her work. "Lets mail this bad boy"

She ran downstairs, as I dragged myself behind her. Just as she was about to open the front door I started to get second thoughts.

"Wait!" she stopped, spinning around to face me "I don't know if we should do this anymore"

Nicki slouched letting out a huff of air, as she put down the letter on the table next to the door.

"Frankie, I know you haven't been around for long to actually see them in action. But the aftermath of their heartbreaks get ugly. The girls become a complete wreck. You would be doing every single girl in this town a favor" She pointed out.

Beth brushed past us "I'm going to get ice cream!" was all she said before going out the door.

"Ashton may be a player, but there's a good reason why he's so heartless." I pushed past her to get the letter.

"Where is it?!" I panicked noticing the letter was no longer on the table.

"I put it on the- oh my god" I looked up to see her looking out the door where the mailman drove away from the house.

"No" I ran outside "No, no, no, no, no"

I started to run after the mailman but he was going way too fast so I collapsed on the lawn. Nicki quickly joined me "Beth probably took it out with her before she left"

"That's that then" I sighed "I just broke somebody's heart"

"What's the big deal Frankie? You said yourself that love is just a figment of our imaginations"

She was right. That was the motto I stood by for all my life. So why was I so concerned about doing this? Just a few weeks ago I was completely okay with breaking four hearts and now I felt so disgusted with breaking one.

I got up from the ground and brushed off the dirt on my knees "I think I'm just gonna head home, I'll see you on Monday, Nicki" I sighed heading back into the truck. I drove away as Nicki waved goodbye from her lawn.

When I arrived back home I practically had to drag myself out of the car. I haven't felt this crappy about myself since I accidentally killed Cody's goldfish when I was 8. Just as I was about to open the door to my house Michael swung it open.

"Hey jelly nose, where have you been?" He touched my nose with his finger causing me to scrunch it up.

I just gave him a look, I didn't have time to tease him back.

"Hey whats wrong?" His goofy smile was wiped off his face.

"Ashton and I just broke up" I pushed past him and into my house.

"You can't break something that wasn't there" he pointed out before I softly closed the door shut.

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