eighteen ; something

393 15 3

I always woke up before the sun, I never understood why but I always did. So when I was little at slumber parties when all my friends were asleep, I would lie awake and draw shapes with my finger on the ceilings. Sometimes I would create a whole story on the white canvas above my sleeping friends.

So now as I laid awake in this hotel bed, completely naked and a beautiful boy entangling his feet with mine as he snored quietly, I started to draw a family portrait.

A mom.

A dad.

A brother.

A sister.

I smiled, the family looked so happy. I wonder if my family was ever this happy. I turned my head to look at the beautiful boy who was once my best friend. I like to believe that he still was, but I knew that sex would either break or hurt a relationship. I pushed a curly wisp from his face.

God he was so beautiful, the kind of beautiful that would look good in anything. But not with me. We would not be beautiful together. I knew that, and I know that he knew that.

So why did we share that level of intimacy last night?

Slowly his eyes fluttered open exposing his deep brown eyes. A smile crept on his face.

"Morning" his voice raspy, and his arms tightened around me pulling me closer to him.

Suddenly our heads turned towards the door as a pair of keys struggled to unlock it.

"Shit" we both mumbled under our breaths, sitting up in the bed as I struggled to cover myself.

"Hey Cal I brought you some-" We heard the bags of groceries drop on the floor as the purple haired boy stood in front of the bed with his mouth open.

We both smiled sheepishly at him as he looked from Calum to me then back to Calum.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" He threw his hands in the air causing Calum to stumble out of the bed and quickly pulling on the sweatpants that laid on the foot of the bed.

"Hey Mike take it eas-" Calum coaxed walking towards Michael.

"Are you fucking kidding me? You?" He looked towards me, pointing his finger "With her?"

Now I was struggling to put on a t-shirt which was clearly not mine since it loosely draped over my body. "Michael I can explain-"

"Save it" He stormed towards the door "Clearly that stupid bet is still going on"

I stopped struggling, my shoulders fell back.

He let out a scoff and looked at Calum one last time who's face was completely flushed with embarrassment "And congrats Cal, you got to be victim #2 in her little bet"

And just like that he slammed the door shut, the water in the glass next to the bed shook. Without thinking I stormed out after him, leaving a speechless Calum in the hotel room.

Michael was furiously pounding on the elevator button when I caught up to me. He took one good look at me and laughed.

The elevator dinged open and he stepped on. I put my body between the doors, preventing it from closing.

Michael just looked down, his arms crossed around his body. I didn't know what I wanted to say right now.

"If you think I'm the type of person to carry on that bet" he looked up "then I was wrong to fall for you in the first place" I stepped back and let the elevator doors close, but before it did I swear I caught a glimpse of a tear falling from Michael's eyes.

typical love story // mgcWhere stories live. Discover now