You were the sea shore but I wasn't the wild waves

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You were the sea shore but I wasn't the wild waves

Setted you free
With high hopes that you'll still be back for me
Like how the wild waves always found its way home to the sea shore
Everytime they countlessly chose to be apart from each other and ended up getting back together

Some say that destiny will make a way when its meant to be
But it is a matter of choice for me
Choosing this path and met you on the halfway
And opted not to be with you at the end cause you didn't even ask me to stay

The love story of the wild waves and the sea shore is one of a kind
Unlike ours, our love story only happened on my mind
Cause no one from us could be amazing like how the sea shore is
As it is always giving countless of second chances

And then realization dawned upon me
That you were the sea shore, and I was so blind that it never occurred me to see
All this time I thought I was the sea shore
But it was you, the sea shore, who let me go despite of knowing that my arrival's still unsure

But our love story should've happened too
Only if I was the the wild waves destined to the sea shore, to you
You were the sea shore indeed
But I wasn't the wild waves, and so, we aren't destined

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