i. omega

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THE STREETS OF Beacon Hills where rather empty, understandable due to the late hours of the night. Despite her jacket she could still feel the coldness of the breeze as she sped through the streets of the neighbourhood. Violet was familiarised with the place, having lived there when younger and visited her family many times before. Still, she felt as if she was driving to the house of total strangers, she couldn't help but feel like her family were completely different people to the last time she saw them. 5 years ago, her cousin was unaware of the supernatural and her family didn't have anyone breaking their code of conduct the way Kate did.

She was an Argent and she knew the secrets of their family but she couldn't help feel like her family in Beacon Hills was hiding far more than it lead. She couldn't help but feel like the town itself was going to be more than she bargained for. Nonetheless, she omitted her thoughts and walked into the house once she found herself at their front door. With the key left for her under the 'welcome' rug, she opened the door and stepped into her new home with nothing more than a backpack that had just one change of clothes for emergency and an extra clip in case she ran out of ammo.

She walked deep into the house to find no one there, a letter resting against the kitchen counter, right beside where she had left her key. She read through it, from the hello to the explanation of their short absence, 1 hour, they were going to be gone. Violet stared at the clock on her phone and compared it to the time Chris had written on the letter. It was something her father used to do as well, if his messages contained an specific time period to wait, he would write the time at which he wrote the letter so that Violet could know exactly how much time she had left to wait. 35 minutes left.

She walked upstairs and into her room, the very same one she would stay in every time she visited. The room had a pungent, sweet smell of roses, almost nauseating to Violet. The scent burning through her nostrils almost as if she had sprayed the very same odour right onto her nose. The decor was rather minimalistic, her bed board made of black pipes, rather industrial, no pictures up the wall nor posters. Her desk rather empty except for a photo frame with a picture of her and Allison when they were younger, standing in between Violet's and Allison's parents. She remembered the day, it was Allison's 9th birthday. Violet's family was in town after her parents were recruited by Chris. It was the very same day she found out the truth about the supernatural, that truth about her family and their work.

Violet barely spent any time in her room, leaving her backpack on her bed before she heard glass breaking, something crashing against the floor. As a reflex, she held the onto her gun propped on her back, at the waistline, she didn't take it out though. Instead, she followed after the sound, coming from Allison's room and pays close attention to the sounds. She prided the door open after hearing a 'tud', still with a hand on her gun but hidden, she walked in with a careful eye and vigilance high. She found her cousin, peeping over her bed from the floor, shirtless and with hair turned into a mess.

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