x. fury

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Stiles' POV:)

Scott and I were talking to my dad about Matt, in Lydia's party after those guys pushed him into the pool Jackson helped him out, he ten walked out of the house and Scott told me he saw him standing outside with Jackson as the Kanima by his side.

I opened the yearbook and showed to my dad Matt's picture "This kid is the real killer??" My dad asked "Yeah" I said "No" he said and I looked at him "Yes" I said "No" he said crossing his arms "Dad, come on. Everybody knows that the police looks ways to connect victims on a murder ok?? So all you need to do is look through the transcript s and figure out which class they all had in common" I said "Yeah except for the fact that the rave promoter, Kara, wasn't in Harris' class" my dad said "Alright, ok you're right, sorry. Then I guess they dropped the charges used against him??" I asked "No you know what?? Their not dropping the charges but that doesn't prove anything" he said.

I looked at him and went to talk but didn't "Scott ¿Do you believe this?" he asked "It's really hard to explain how we know this but you just got to trust us, we know its Matt" Scott said and I looked back at my dad "Yeah, he took Harris' car ok?? Look he knew that if a cop found tire tracks at one of the murders and that if enough of the victims where in Harris's class that they'll arrest him" I said "Alright fine, I'll aloud the remote posibility but give me a motive I mean ¿Why would this kid wanted most of the 2006 swim team and its coach death?" He asked "Isn't it obvious?? Our swim team sucks! They haven't won in like six years" I said.

My dad looked at me annoyed and I sight "Ok we don't have a motive yet. I mean come on ¿Does Harris?" I asked and he nodded "What you want me to do??" He asked "We need to look at the evidence" Scott said "Yeah that will be in the station were I no longer work" my dad said "Trust me they'll let you in" I said "Trust you??" My dad asked "Trust... Trust Scott??" I said "Scott I trust" he said.


We walked into the station and waited for my dad to stop talking "We'll look at the hospital first ok??" I said looking at Scott "Why??" He asked "Because all the murders were committed by Jackson except for one you remember??" I asked "The pregnant girl, Jessica" Scott said and I nodded "Yeah. As Matt had to kill her himself somebody in the hospital could have seen him" I said "Boys" I heard my said and we walked into the office.

We started watching the security videos of the hospital "I don't know guys I mean look at this. There was a six car pill up that night the hospital was full" my dad said "Alright just keep going, he had to pass one of the cameras in that floor to get to Jessica ok?? He's got to be in the footage somewhere" I said "Hold on! Stop, did you see that?? Scroll back" Scott said.

My dad paused the video and scrolled it back and I looked at the screen recognizing Matt's head "That's him! That's Matt!" I said "All I see is the back of someone's head" my dad said "Matt's head, yeah. I sit behind him in history, he'a got a very distinct cranium its weird" I said "Are you crazy??" My dad asked "Alright fine, look at his jacket. How many people do you know who wear black leather jackets??" I asked "Millions, literally" my dad said.

I asked and kept looking at the screen "Ok can we scroll forward?? There's got to be a shot of him coming at one of the cameras" Scott said and my dad scroll the video forward "Right there! Stop, stop! See?? There he is again" I said "You mean there's the back of his head again" my dad said "Ok but look, he's talking to someone" I said pointing at the screen "He's talking to my mom" Scott said.

Scott called his mom and we waited until she pick it up after asking him about Matt she answered "Scott, you know how many people I deal within a day??" Melissa asked "This one is 16, he's got dark hair looks like a normal teenager" Scott said "He looks evil" I said "Scott I already talked to the police about this" Melissa said "Ok mom I'll take a picture and send it to you" Scott said.

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