vii. restraint

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     VIOLET KEPT HER distance from Derek's pack, sitting by the stairs in the shadows simply watching their interaction. She swirled around her dagger, listening in to their conversation "So why do we need their help?" Isaac questioned, walking out of the abandoned train right after Derek "Because it's harder to kill than I thought and I still don't know who it is" Derek kept walking, expecting Isaac to follow behind "And they do?" Isaac wondered.

     They made to to a rectangular chest, closed up to prying eyes "They might. Which is why I meed one of you to get on their good side" Violet decided to stand up, still hidden by the shadows but shifting up her weight against the rail, her hand dangling over it "Hmm, Scott or Stiles?" Erica walked into view, possessing that sense of superiority she got ever since Derek bit her. Violet rolled her eyes and started making her way down.

     "Either" Derek's response was short, not really caring about who Erica chose. He was actually waiting on Violet to arrive "You know, the full moon's coming, Derek" Isaac commented making Derek stand up straight after unlocking the chest "I'm aware of that" With a swift move he opened it and began pulling a set of chains, cuffs and even steel head bindings "My, these look comfortable" Erica smiled sarcastically whilst Violet settled at the end of the stairs.

     The young werewolves were so focused on their conversation that they didn't notice Violet standing there, still fidgeting with her dagger "You said you were going to teach us to change whenever we wanted" Isaac argued "There hasn't been time" Derek nonchalantly kept taking the set of chains out of the box. Just a regular day thing for him "But if you have to lock us up during the full moon, that means... that means you're alone against the Argents" Isaac worried but his focus shifted immediately towards the front after hearing Violet's shuffle.

     Erica though, she didn't notice. She was fully focused on what her Alpha had to tell them "They haven't found us" Derek responded like it was not a big deal "You have me to thank for that" Violet finally made her presence known with the sound of her voice and Erica immediately tensed up. Isaac however stood there still, barely smiling a hello at Violet, trying to keep their relationship a secret.

     Violet saw Erica flash her fangs at her with eyes glowing a golden yellow and the huntress laughed "You know, Erica, I liked you better before" She said, taking steps closer and putting her dagger away "Before what?" Erica asked, her features human once again "Before you became a bitch" Violet blurted out and Derek chuckled, tossing that chains to Violet so that she could help him set them up.

     "They're getting close though, I would be careful if I were you" Violet informed, her eyes fixed on Isaac "So how about we forget the Kanima?" Isaac said with clear irritation in his voice. Violet understood where he was coming from, he just wanted to survive "We can't!" Derek turned around, voice raised and dominant "There was something about the way Gerard looked at it" Derek paused.

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