iii. ice pick

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ALLISON AND VIOLET stood outside the car waiting while it filled up with gas. Violet lied against the car with arms crossed, a careful eye scanning the deserted place. In the mean time, Allison looked around out of boredom, not really paying attention to her surroundings. A man walked out of the store and headed for his bike just across the two teenage girls. Violet stared at him, eyebrows furrowed as she sort of recognised the guy. She knew she had met him before, she just couldn't really put a place and time to the man's face.

She stood up straight and stepped closer to Allison, her cousin giving back a smile to the man who had just flashed one at her along with a small nod. At first Violet thought Allison had seen nothing strange with the guy but the younger Argent proved her wrong, her eyes glued to the direction in which the man had just driven away. Allison looked confused, suspicious and immediately turned around for her car. Without a single exchange of words Violet nodded, knowing that her cousin wanted her to get in the car. They barely made it a step or two before the lights went off "Violet get in the car, now" Allison ordered, watching as her cousin reached down for her blades.

"Start the car first, I'll keep an eye out" Violet answered, her eyes methodically and calmly looking around for their predator, she knew the guys departure and the lights going off shortly after was no coincidence, she was just waiting for an attack and preferred if Allison was in the car when it happened "The keys are gone!" Allison stepped out of the car and as Violet turned to her, she watched a dark figure closing up on her "Allison!" Violet shouted, throwing her dagger through the air. The knife flew past Allison and onto the figure's shoulder. They heard a groan of pain, it was human.

Violet immediately after turned around at the sound of Allison keys and slashed through the air, feeling as the dagger cut through skin. There was a second person, this one had endured the injury to his arm. Despite her defence, Violet wasn't given enough time for a second hit. Her thoughts clouded at the sound of Allison shrieking scream of fear, Violet's feelings forcing her to turn around once more and giving their abductors the chance to attack. The last thing she remembered was seeing the tall figure place a black bag on Allison's face before she received a blow to the head with the back of a gun.


     Violet woke up to the sound of desperate cried. She slowly opened her eyes, the pressure of the blow to her head still present. Beside her sat Allison, tears streaming down her face and hyperventilated breathing of panic. Allison cried at her cousin but also at the man tied up and restrained right in front of the two teenagers. Violet looked up ahead to find none other than Chris Argent trying to break free, fear in his eyes as he watched the teenage girls in front of him "Have you wondered what happens if a hunter gets bitten, Allison?" Violet recognised the voice, it was Derek's, but it couldn't be him, she knew that the people she hurt were humans. Derek Hale never worked with humans.

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