viii. raving

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Violet's POV:)

I was waiting in the line with Scott after he asked Matt for 75 dollars "Here" I said handing Scott 150 "Buy yours and mine with that" I said and Scott looked at me surprised "Where did you??" He asked "My parents left me almost all their money" I said.

Jackson stood in front of the lady selling the tickets and looked at her focused, after some seconds she leaved leaving Jackson still looking at her. My phone started ringing and I picked it up "Hello??" I said "Violet we need you in the hospital, come now" Chris said and hung up "I need to go, meet you at the clinic??" I said looking at Scott "Yeah" he said and I ran away.

I arrived at the hospital and walked straight to the morgue, I opened the door and looked at Allison and Chris looking at a body "This one, Sean. Sean was killed by this thing Gerard says is a kind of shape shifter that hasn't been around for centuries" Chris said "The thing you shot outside the club the other night" Allison said "South american legend we know calls it the" Chris said before I interrupt him "Kanima" I said and he looked at me "I've done my research" I said "This one, Jessica" Chris said.

He pointed at the second body and then looked at us "She was smother to death after giving birth, the police think it was done by someone else. We think is the person who's controlling this other shape shifter, that means two killers, Allison, Violet" Chris said looking at both of us "One human, one not" he added.

He walked a few steps around and continue "You know the question I had after Gerard first told me about our family, why us?? He quoted me Winston Churchill 'Price of greatness is responsibility' personally I think it's more about knowledge" he said.

He walked around the body and stood a meter away from us "But we know the truth, we know about the world. That makes us responsible. For a young couple, their newborn daughter, anyone who doesn't have the power to defend themselves, are you starting to get it??" Chris asked "I get that this isn't a lecture, it's an interrogation" Allison said.

I looked at her and back at Chris "That depends on what you know" He said "Gerard showed me the library. Cameras didn't capture everything but do you really think a little high school fight can explain that amount of damage??" Chris asked turning around "We know you're trying to protect your friends but people are dying, a child was orphaned. What you know makes you responsible" he said and took away the blanket covering the woman's body.

Allison looked away while I kept looking at the body then back at Chris "Makes you responsible for this" he said "What do you want us to tell you??" I asked "Anything you know, anything that can lead us to answering the one question that might mean everything, who controls the Kanima??" Chris asked.


I arrived at the vet clinic and opened the door to hear Scott and Derek arguing "Kill him" Derek said while Scott said at the same time "Save him" Scott said and I looked at Scott "Save him" I said walking in, Derek and Isaac looked at me while I stood beside Scott "Derek, Isaac" I said smiling annoyed at both of them.

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