vi. frenemy

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VIOLET DROVE QUICKLY behind Stiles and Scott as the trio followed after Kanima. They were aware that Derek too was stepping on the beast's trails. They had to get to Jackson before the Argents or Derek did if they wanted the outcomes to go their way. Violet was unaware that her uncle and grandfather too were following shortly behind, had she known, she would not have compromised her cover. She was still out of their sight though. Not Chris nor Gerard could see that she was working with Scott. The Argents had taken a different route from the teenager, working to Violet's advantage, because that way they were not able to spot her motorcycle.

Both Stiles and Violet slammed the breaks at the sight of traffic spikes. She could hear Stiles arguing about what to do next but decided to ignore him. She stepped off her bike and jumped up the fence, listening as Scott did the same. She could hear at the distance Stiles loudly brooding in his car at his lack of 'parkour' skills. She got there in time to watch the Kanima fighting against Derek. She pulls both guns out in high display and empties their entire cases on the creature as she advanced forward. It did nothing...

"Fuck" Violet cursed and tried to move away but the Kanima was faster. It swept across with its tale and sent her flying into the shadows, her body rolling on the ground to mitigate the impact of her landing. It worked to her advantage though. Barely a minute later the Argents appeared out of nowhere, partially blinding the creature with a bright flash. The Kanima pushed Derek into the shadows as well and growls echoed through whilst Violet slowly stood up, clenching at her side that still ached from her small confrontation with Isaac.

She was about to walk out of the shadows, not realising that it were the Argents who had arrived, but was pulled back by none other than Derek. He had placed a hand against her mouth to keep her from making any noise. She managed to snatch his hand away but stood still when she heard the gunshots and realised why Derek pulled her back "Let go! I am capable of hiding on my own" She turned to Derek, his eyes glowing bright red, forcing her to look up due to the height difference "Well you almost walked straight into your family's sight. I'd doubt your abilities" Derek whispered back by then having turned back into his human form.

"Shut up" She muttered, looking back at the scene, spotting Gerard "Come again?" Derek asked, giving Violet the opportunity to take back her words "Shut up and watch" She grabbed Derek by the back of his neck and pushed him to the side, just enough for him to watch but not enough that they would find their hideout. Violet's jaw clenched at the sight, her blood boiling with anger. Every time she looked at him, he confirmed more and more her suspicions. He assured her that he could not be trusted. That he had ulterior motives to his arrival.

     Both Violet and Derek watched as Gerard stood in front of their car with no weapons in hand. He simply stood there, staring at the Kanima with no feat in his eyes. It it weren't for the car's light that compromised the image, she could have sworn having seen him reach his hand out to the Kanima, inviting it to take it. Derek and Violet stared back and each other, no words needing. The two knew what it meant. Silently, they worried for each other and warned to be careful. Whatever Gerard was planning, there were no more opposite sides. Derek and Violet had to be a team if they wanted to stop Gerard. Violet was the key to bring Scott to work with the Hale Alpha and ultimately defeat Gerard.

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