iv. abomination

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VIOLET AND SCOTT walked further into the vet clinic, Scott wondering why his wound wasn't healing yet "Because it's from an Alpha" Deaton made himself present with his words. Both teenagers froze at the sight of him, thinking they would have been alone in the place. Violet glanced to the side to find a body laid on the table, scratch marks all the way up his torso. It wasn't just any body, Violet knew him "Bennet" She whispered under her breath. Deaton hurried over to help Scott, announcing that they had to have the talk he was avoiding. Violet was confused by what was happening, her eyes still glued to Bennett's body.

"They're coming back so we don't have much time to talk" Deaton explained, wetting some cotton "What is that?" Scott asked with uncertainty in his voice his thoughts still jumping to the corpse right beside them "Rubbing alcohol. You don't want it to get infected do you?" Deaton asked as to which Scott answered with a silent no, shaking his head "You'll heal the same, just not as quickly because of Derek" Deaton explained. Violet analysed his every word, his every move. Studied him from head to toe to try and figure him out "Ok, how do you know all this? Actually how do you- how do you know anything?" Scott asked and it instantly clicked for Violet.

She had never met any of his kind, humans but with vast knowledge of the supernatural. Violet had heard about them in the stories her parents would tell her right before bed, or the anecdotes her uncle would share during his visits. The last she knew and thought, they had gone extinct "You're an emissary" Violet muttered, Deaton freezing in his place. It was now his time to analyse her, searching for any clue that would tell the reason behind how she even knew what an emissary was. He found it quickly, right by her jacket, a set of daggers poorly hidden in an inside pocket. His posture straightened and he took a few steps backwards, not once did his eyes looked away from hers.

"No, no, it's okay. She's a friend, she's helping us. She's not like the rest of them" Scott explained. Deaton had figured out what she was, a hunter, and more importantly an Argent. There was no other way that she could have known the name of the deceased hunter "Deaton" Scott called, his boss finally looking at him "It's a longer story" He looked back at Violet, hesitant on wether or not he should keep talking. He did though, trusting his employee "What I can tell you is that I know about your kind. Your kind... I can help" Deaton explained, all while cleaning Scott's wound and patching him up "This. This is something different" Deaton referred back to the body, focusing on the scratch wound that ripped all through its abdomen.

"Do you know what did it?" Scott asked just as Violet's phone rang. Chris name lighting up the screen. Panic build up in Scott's expression unlike Violet who calmly walked away to answer the phone "Chris?" Violet spoke. Her voice echoed on the other side of the call, immediately she knew her uncle had placed their call on speaker phone "Violet where are you?" Chris asked "I'm uh- I'm at Stiles'. We have an Econ exam tomorrow and his grades are barely hanging on by a thread. I'll head home right now if you want" The lie slipped off her lips with ease, she was good at it. So many times had she had to lie because of the life she was born into, it came naturally to her now.

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