xi. battlefield

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Scott's POV:)

I walked out of the shower and looked at my mom on the corner hanging from the Kanima's tail. I looked at my side and saw Gerard sitting on the chair "As you can see Scott there has been some interesting developments lately. I think we should catch up" Gerard said.

I looked back at Jackson and took out my claws looking back at Gerard "Come on Scott, let's be realistic about who's got the upper hand here" Gerard said "Let her go" I said "Can't do that but let her live?? That's up to you" he said "What do you want??" I asked "I want to talk, you haven't been answering your phone" he said "Let her go and we can talk about whatever you want" I said "I want the same thing that I have always wanted. I want Derek and his pack" Gerard said standing up from the chair.

I looked at my mom then back at Gerard "You have them all hiding. How am I supposed to know where they are??" I said "I think with the proper motivation you could throw them out and if you hadn't notice I now have a fairly impressive means by which I can motivate people" he said and Jackson hissed "Why do you think I'm able to control him?? You know the myth Scott. The Kanima is a weapon of vengeance" Gerard said "This is about Kate??" I asked "I didn't just come here to burry my daughter. I came to avenge her" Gerard said and Jackson let go of my mom.

I kneeled in front of her making sure she was ok "Are you ok??" I asked "I don't know what's happening. I don't know what that thing was or even what you are but whatever he wants just give it to him" she said "Mom its not that easy" I said "Do what he wants. Just give him what he want" she said "I don't know if I can" I said.


I was at the vet clinic helping Deaton with a dog with Osteosarcoma when the door bell rang "Would you mind seeing who that is??" Deaton asked and I turned around just to hear the cats mowing and the dogs barking.

I walked to the door way of the room an saw Isaac standing at the door "It's ok Isaac. Go on" Deaton said opening the door. Isaac walked in and into the room with us, we continue treating the dog while Isaac looked at it with a disgusted face "What does it smell like that??" Isaac asked and Deaton chuckled "What??" Isaac asked "Scott said almost the same thing to me a few months ago" Deaton said.

I kept looking at the dog and nodded "One day he could somehow tell the difference between which animals were getting better and which were not" Deaton said looking at the dog "He's not getting better is he??" Isaac asked and Deaton shook his head.

Isaac looked up at him and continue "Like cancer" he said "Osteosarcoma. Has a very distinct scent doesn't it??" Deaton asked and I nodded "Come here" he said looking at Isaac. Isaac stood beside Deaton and looked at the dog "I know you're well aware of your nee abilities can do for you. More strength, speed and healing. Ever wonder what it can do for other??" Deaton asked and I looked at Isaac "Give me your hand" Deaton said taking Isaac's hand and placing it on top of the dog.

A few seconds passed before the black liquid ran through his veins taking some of the puppy's pain away. Isaac took away his hand and lift up his sleeve looking at the liquid still running through his veins "What did I do??" Isaac asked "You took some of his pain away" I said "Only a little bit but sometimes a little can make quite a difference" Deaton said and Isaac covered his mouth with the back of his hand.

His eyes started to tear up as he processed the information he just received "It's ok. First time he showed me I cried too" I said and Isaac smiled looking at the dog. After finishing treating the dog Deaton took him away and I started to put away all the things.

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