v. venomous

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THE VOICES OF either teacher and students echoed in an incomprehensible mumble in the back of Violet's mind. Her focus was somewhere else entirely, in fact it was nowhere close to the history lesson her teacher was giving. Her thoughts could only venture into one, or perhaps 2 things. The first one had to be Derek and the night she went to his hideout to talk. Their conversation replayed itself through her memory over and over again like a broken record. Her words, his response, the proof lying in front of them. The situation their lives had pushed them to that puzzled both the hunter and the Alpha. She still couldn't grasp the decision that had been taken.

     The way their lives would change entirely and forever. She still tried to swallow in acceptance the consequences that would follow their last conversation. She had taken all of them into consideration when she went to Derek, but still, her mind seemed to be in some sort of shock and just overall limbo at what awaited them from that day forward. That wasn't the only reason for Violet's lack of attention and awareness at her surroundings as her thoughts drifted towards the people surrounding Derek before her arrival. His pack but more importantly, Isaac Lahey. It had been the first time Violet had seen him since the ice rink. The first time he had seen him since she was forced to shoot him for her own safety.

     It was the very first time they had actually truly faced each other as what they were, a werewolf against a hunter. A pray against its predator. The hunted against the hunter. It was the very first time they were truly shown how much of an impossible scenario the two together would be. It wasn't in their nature. It wasn't what they were taught. Hunters are taught to hate werewolves and viceversa. They are raised in an environment where the mere thought of a werewolf in the same room as them just made them want to kill them. It was just impossible for the two to have even a memory together now that they both belonged to complete opposite sides, Violet thought.

     She was aware that she had to forget about Isaac but she simply couldn't. Despite their differences, despite who they were allies with, despite their species and every other thing that could set them apart for how different they were she just simply could not get him out of her mind nor her heart. Violet was so focused on the dilemmas in her brain that she didn't even realise that someone had sat beside her, leaving their bag on the floor and turning towards her. Violet barely made the words out. The question not really getting her attention but rather the voice with which said question came along "So are we still up for a bite, an ice cream or to hang out or whatever?" She immediately turned to her right.

     Violet stared in shock as Isaac sat there, a black leather jacket on and a smug smirk in his face. A new found confidence which Violet hadn't known before. It was a complete 180 from the boy that had barely stuttered the same words out prior to his arrest. Still Violet couldn't help but feel a flutter in her stomach. She knew it was wrong, and like she had repeated herself over and over again, impossible, nonetheless she was still happy to see Isaac back. She kept her smile inside though as Isaac continued "I'll even look past you shooting me in the leg" He added, Violet leaning forward for her face to be closer to his "You choked me first" Their stares were completely glued to each other. It was just them two in that classroom and no one else, they were alone in a place where they could be themselves despite their differences.

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