xii. master plan

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Violet's POV:)

I walked into my room and went to put some bandages when someone grabbed my arms and placed a hand on my mouth crawling me out of the room. I tried to scream but the hand in my mouth blocked the sound. I tried to grabbed myself from the walls but only leaved them stained with blood.

The crawled me to the basement door and threw me down the stairs. I growl at my wound and felt it bleeding more "Violet" I heard Stiles voice and looked up to see Stiles standing beside a chained Erica and Boyd "What happened to you??" Stiles asked helping me to stand up "This is my paid for betraying Gerard" I chuckle and then growl because it hurt.

I looked up at Stiles who had a confuse face "Why'd you do that??" Stiles asked and I looked at Erica and Boyd "He was about to kill Isaac" I said "You care about him" he said and I chuckle "More than you think" I said and saw stiles trying to untied Erica and Boyd.

Sparkled flew out of the cables and the lights tilt "They were trying to warn you. It's electrified" Gerard said walking down here. He looked at me and patted my shoulder "Violet" he said "I'm going to give you a chance o not end like them" he said pointing at Erica and Boyd "You help me kill Derek and I won't kill your friends, not even your precious Isaac" he said "What are you doing with them??" Stiles asked "At the moment just keeping them comfortable. There's no point on torturing them, they won't give Derek up. The instinct to protect their Alpha is too strong" Gerard said "Ok. So what are you doing with me?? Because Scott can fond me alright?? He knows my scent. Its pungent you know?? More like a stanch. He could find me even if I was buried at the bottom of a sewer covered in fecal matter and urine" Stiles said.

I looked at Gerard as he stood there completely confident of himself "You have knot for creating a living picture Mr. Stilinski. Let me paint one of my own, Scott McCall finds his best friend bloodied and beaten to a pulp. How does that sound now??" Gerard asked walking forward stopping in front of Stiles.

I took a few steps forward but stop when the pain strike me again "I think a prefer more of a steal life or landscape" Stiles said "What are you 90?? Look I can probably kick your ass up an out this room" Stiles said and Gerard punched him.

Stiles felt to the floor and Gerard continue punching him "No! Stop!" I said grabbing Gerard's arm just for him to punch me in the face making my lip bleed.


Gerard left the room and I managed to walked to my room, I opened the door of my room and support myself from the wall but end up falling to the ground. I looked up at the wall and saw I leaved the same blood stains as on the other walls. I crawl to my bed and took the bandages an alcohol.

I cleaned the cut and bit a pillow to avoid screaming. I bandage myself and sat at the edge of the bed "Violet!" I heard Chris shout and ran into my room. It was the first time in years I saw that much worry in his face. The way his eyes looked, how preoccupied he was "I saw blood on the walls" he said and looked at my door way's wall and at my shirt.

He kneeled in front of him and placed his hand on my cheek "Honey what happened??" He asked "Who did this to you??" He asked "I guess Gerard told you about the dead hunters" I said and Chris nodded "Um" I said "Violet what happened??" Chris asked "I was the one who killed them" I said and Chris worried expression turned into anger "They did this to you?? Gerard made them do this to you??" He asked angry.

I walked to the closet and change my shirt "Kind of" I said "What happened at the game??" He asked "He tried to cut Isaac in half" I said and Chris looked at me "Chris you need to know something" I said and he looked at me confused "Gerard now controls or well said controlled Jackson" I said and Chris expression went blank.

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