ii. shape shifted

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     THE SCHOOL BELL rang continuously, signalling that the period was over. Students flooded the halls as they exited their classroom's, Isaac and Violet being part of the group. The two laughed as they chatted, enjoying each other company. The pair had spent most of their classes together, partnering up whenever there was group work or simply sitting by each other's side if it was only lesson taught instead of an assignment. The two teenagers never once stopped smiling, finding funny each other's comments and constantly bringing up new topics so that they could keep their conversation up.

     Both Violet and Isaac had really started to like each other, it was apparent that the Argent huntress did find Isaac Lahey quiet attractive and the same could go for Isaac. It was the first thing that caught his eye, before she even turned to look at him at that very first Chemistry class. When he saw her walk into the classroom and coincidentally sit on the stool next to him, all he could think about was her beauty. Isaac really liked Violet, she liked that her looks didn't get into her head, she liked how easy to talk to she was, how down to earth she was, how just overall friendly she was. Isaac really liked that for once he did have someone to talk to about anything, not just when she wanted something of him or to treat him like a freak, no.

     Violet was never one to judge, never one to make fun of people, she was never one to think she was superior than other. In Isaac's eyes she was perfect. Right when the two were about to walk into the cafeteria, Violet stopped in her tracks, Isaac holding her wrist and pulling her to a stop. She turned to him, backpack in her right shoulder but she still had one of her notebooks in her hands "Violet, I was wondering" Isaac trailed off, nervous to ask the question and get a negative answer. Violet patiently waited for him to talk "Would um- would you like to go grab a bite after school? An ice cream, I don't know, or just hang out or whatever" He wanted the earth to swallow him whole as he spoke.

     Violet noticed his nerves and smiled, she found it cute. Her smile only made Isaac blush harder, feeling embarrassed to the core "Isaac Lahey, are you asking me out?" She stepped forward, a smirk growing on her face. Right there and then Isaac just wanted to disappear, his heart beating a million time per minute "I'd be more than happy to grab a bite after school, or an ice cream or just hangout or whatever" She jokingly rolled her eyes at her last words, turning around to head for the cafeteria. Isaac's smile grew wider each second, him following behind Violet "I have lacrosse practice today though" Isaac said, realising his schedule after school was already taken.

     Violet nodded, taking a seat "Oh no, no, no. You've really got me craving an ice cream now, I'll wait for you. We can go after your practice. That's of course if you don't have other plans you don't remember" Violet shrugged, taking a bite of her apple "No, no. No other plans, after lacrosse is perfect" Isaac smiled, Violet smiling back "It's a date then" Violet muttered, Issac smiled growing wider.

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