Author's note

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Welcome to my book 'Serenity', the sequel to 'Trepidation'

This can't be read as a stand alone. Well, you can but you'll be kinda lost.

First and foremost I would like to stress massively that I have read the guidelines Wattpad has put in place, I have read them and I understand them fully. There is nothing in my book that breaches those guidelines in any way sense or form. Please do not report my book, just simply message me if you find anything wrong with it. I've tried so incredibly hard and for that to be deleted, I would honestly be heartbroken.

Back onto my usual ramble that I copy and paste into every book I write.

Please give this story a chance, it would mean so much to me. You honestly don't understand how much it does, when I see people adding my story to your library's, commenting, voting and such!

Every chapter that has sexual themes and smut in, even if it's a little bit, I have put a little * in the title!

This book is set in 2020. Covid or any political things that happened in 2020 will not be involved in this story. I'm using the year 2020 as normal, and it's only for dates really. In the Character Aesthetics, their birthdays are mentioned - the age I've put them at are what they are in the beginning of the book (April), and as the book continues, obviously their age will too!

I AM NOT AN EXPERT, okay? So, please don't come for me if things are not factually correct in this book. I try my best. If you do find something, please message me and go about it nicely. It would be appreciated.

I ask, if you could please comment on my chapters it would be greatly appreciated because I really love to see what people are thinking whilst reading!

Before you read, please read the warnings:

~ very strong and explicit language!

~ PTSD trauma.

~ mentions of past sexual assault and self harm

~ strong sexual innuendos.

~ smut and sexual themes ;)

~ age gap: 20 and 21 (small)

~ long ass chapters, if this isn't your jam, I'm sorry. (range from 3000-10,000 words)



~ Choking

~ Spanking/slapping

~ Spitting

~ Degrading

~ Edging & Overstimulation

~ Mutual masturbation

~ Use of sex toys

~ Anal play

~ Handcuffs & restraints.

If I need to update this, I will.

Thank you for clicking on here, I do hope you continue reading! And if you want to add me on Instagram, you can do at @daisyclouds89

started: 28th May 2021

completed: 9th December 2022

176,486 words!


Copyright © daisyclouds89

This book or parts thereof may not be reproduced in any form, stored in any retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means – electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise – without prior written permission of the publisher.

Any references to historical events, real people, or real places are used fictitiously. Other names; characters, places and events are products of the authors imagination, and any resemblances to actual events or places or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

All rights reserved.

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