Chapter 34: temporary goodbyes

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It's been six days since Ethan and I arrived back home, five days of Finals and five days of non-stop chaos for all of us.

We found out on Tuesday that the house we had put an offer on, we were granted, which we're all thrilled about; Lauren more so, especially now she knows for sure she's got somewhere to bring home her baby. So, we have been sorting that out, on top of final exams, which has been a lot.

But finally after a long, hard year, it's eventually the last day for us all, and God, does it feel good when we're being excused to leave. I pack away my things, turning my phone back on before leaving the hall, and all the stress I've been feeling lately, just lifts. My last Final is over and done with, I can finally relax.

Lauren soon enough follows out of the door, hand on bump, protecting her baby from the busy halls. She hooks her arm in mine, I slip my phone in my pocket and we join the human traffic jam, "So, how do you think you did?"

"We studied, that's all we can do, but I think I did okay, you know? How about you?" I ask her back, hoping the help I gave her did something.

"You really helped me, I remembered my notes, baby brain didn't fog this time, only had to suffer through the kicking and heartburn, but I did it," she grins, seeming really happy about it, "Even if I get a simple pass in this class, it's enough because fuck me, it's like this baby is treating my bladder like how Ethan treats his punch bags."

I let out a laugh at the comment, "We'll get to the dorm as soon as we can, I think Ethan and Hanna's final ended just before ours, and Matt's was two hours ago?"

She nods, "Yeah, it was, he said he was going to be tidying the place up for when we get back."

We're saying our temporary goodbyes to Hanna and Matt soon, too soon in fact. They'll be back here with us again in four weeks for the moving date, but until then Lauren and I will be living at the Campbells' place, me sleeping with Ethan, and Lauren with Felix.

We've slowly been taking a couple boxes over every day, only leaving the last few for today, but I really don't want to say goodbye to my best friends again. I hate the distance and I hate not being able to jump into their beds every morning, it's going to be so weird without them again for a little while.

We meet Ethan and Hanna in the middle of the two buildings, Ethan wrapping me up in a bear hug, immediately asking how I've done, before we take the slow walk back to our dorm. Lauren and I have another two years of college, whereas next year it's Ethan, Felix, Hanna and Matt's last, and considering Lauren's due date is September, she'll most likely be taking a year out of studies, so everything is going to be so different soon.

We eventually make it back to our building and as we are about to brace the stairs up to our dorm room in this heat, we all suddenly stop when the elevator magically opens. Audible gasps are heard from us all and before it shuts and goes back up, Ethan presses the button and looks at us, questioning if we want to use it.

Lauren scoffs in disbelief, shaking her head, "Oh, of course it would be fixed now. I don't care what you guys do, but I'm not walking another flight with this bump when this is finally working."

Together, we ride the elevator for the first time, but being the pessimist I am, the thought of it breaking again was the only thing I could think of for the entire duration. So, as soon as those doors open, I leave and head straight to our dorm at the very end, ready to be with Matt for a while before he leaves for the summer.

When I unlock the door, I abruptly come face-to-face with the sight of Matt and Kieran heavily making out in the kitchen, grasping onto each other's clothes. Kieran clears his throat and Matt purses his lips, looking at the four of us with much loath. I hold up my hands in amusement, "You have had hours to say goodbye to each other, we don't."

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