Chapter 14: first date

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Francesca's POV:

Ethan and I are going on our first date. Our first ever official date, and I have zero clue as to what we're doing.

I acted quite nonchalant when he told me, but once we got back to the house, it all sunk it when he said, "Be ready in an hour. Dress... as you like, but wear flat shoes or sneakers."

That gave me no clues. Nothing. Nada.

It's funny how he really expected me to get showered, dressed and have makeup on, in that time. I think we both knew that was never going to happen, it just isn't realistic.

Exactly one and half hours later, feeling incredibly nervous, I approach the door leading into the main room – just one door separating us, separating me from him.

I didn't know if he expected me to wear a dress, or if jeans were acceptable. So, I sent out an SOS to my friends, and they helped me out in that department before shooing me into the bathroom to take a shower.

Taking a deep breath, I shake out my wrists, silently preparing myself before I open the door, and when I do, I seem to forget how to breathe. Such a simple task, but when I take Ethan in, it's like everything momentarily stops. He's leaning against the back of the sofa, distracted as he throws popcorn at Lauren's head, but he looks... breathtaking.

I don't know how he found a suit at last minute, but he looks absolutely dashing. He's wearing black pants and a snug white dress-shirt, his muscles straining nicely and top two button's undone. His suit jacket is folded over his arm, and he's wearing actual dress shoes, not his usual sneakers. He looks like a fucking God. Who the fuck has taken Ethan, and replaced him with this specimen? I'd like to tell them I'm not complaining.

Hanna taps his back vigorously, smiling over at me, and he goes to shoot her a glare, but he's caught mid-action, when his eyes meet mine. His mouth falls open, and my ego gets picked up at his reaction – I needed that assurance.

"Fuck. My. Life." Ethan curses, running his hands over his face, blinking at me repetitively as I make my way over to him. "I- Oh my God, darling."

"This okay for your plans?" I ask, gesturing down to my outfit.

"More than fucking okay." He says and I smile, happy with his answer. "You look beautiful."

After scanning my not so many options, I went with one of the last things I packed and never expected to wear – a ruby red, ribbed, bodycon style dress, something so out of my latest comfort zone. It hugs every part of my body, ending mid-thigh, it being a little on the shorter side than I'd like. It gives me enough cleavage with the square shaped neckline, three artificial buttons over my boobs, and the sleeves sheer and cuffed. I look good.

With his suit, I'm so fucking glad I opted for this, other than something more casual because I really would have refused to go until I changed.

"Are you sure you don't want to just stay in?" He asks me with an adorable pout, and I shake my head, smoothing my hands over his shoulders. Not happy with my answer, he slaps my ass, grabbing a handful, and I scold him with a slap on the shoulder.

"Control yourself." I say and Hanna chortles to herself.

"Fine, fine." He rolls his eyes playfully, squeezing my ass once more. "Have you got a jacket?"

"Yeah, Lauren's letting me borrow hers." I say and he smiles appreciatively over at her.

"We should go, we have reservations." He tells me one little clue to our date. So, this means we're going for a meal.

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