Chapter 18: *explosive and taunting*

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Ethan's POV:

"Fuck off!" I yell, throwing my gloves down in frustration. I run both hands through my hair, sweat dripping from the ends. I'm on the end of my tither, and Luke is only winding me up further.

"Kane, get those gloves back on!" Luke yells, and I let out an annoyed breath, glaring at him as my chest heaves. "Do you want to win this match? Want to look good for your girl? Or fucking weak? A fucking embarrassment? Get those fucking gloves back on."

"Shut the fuck up, man." I take a swig of water, and he snatches the bottle out of my grasp.

"Treat me with fucking respect!" He pushes at my chest, and I clench my jaw, taking it because I deserve it. "You're lucky I can tolerate your ugly ass attitude. I may be pushing you, but you need this. Get those fucking gloves on and fight me like the Kane, I know, not the pussy that I just fought. I've seen a fucking girl hit better."

That's it. I swing my left fist at his face, and I hiss as the burn immediately travels through my already sore knuckle. He deserved it though – no one disrespects the women in this field of work, they're fucking badasses.

"That's more like it." He grins, teeth in tact, yet there's blood pooling. He spits on the floor and uses my bottle to swill his mouth out, and I groan at his actions. Fucking cunt.

I miss Francesca. She's been on my mind constantly since we parted ways in the parking lot outside her dorm. It's been two hours.

In those two hours, Luke has pushed me to the end of my tither. At first, I didn't mind – this is how he is and I'd take this over someone soft and loving. Tough love is how I learn, and as he said, I'm lucky he can take my attitude because he gets the brunt of everything I pent up. He may seem... harsh, but it fucking works.

You're probably wondering what happened for me to take my gloves off, throw them down and get so annoyed, right?

It was honestly just the usual things – that I need to hit harder, that I need to be faster, that my hits aren't good enough for him. Usually I'd take it on the chin, work from them, but as you know, I'm feeling insecure about this match as it is, and I finally snapped. Somewhat.

Luke grips my shoulder, and I look up at him as I clench and unclench my fist. "Clear your mind. Ice your fist. Have five minutes, come back and be the Kane that wins due to knock out. You're here physically, you're ready. But you need to clear that mind of yours."

"Yeah, I know." I respond, taking another breath as I gather myself.

"Insecurities... we all have them. Just don't let them win, Kane." He slaps me on the back as I look at my knuckle. "You've got this. Now, five minutes, you're on the clock. I want you back here, gloves on and ready to fight."

I exit the ring, and make my way to the front entrance where the freezer is. My mom's at the front desk, eating a salad sandwich it seems, and she gives me a smile when she sees me.

"I'm gonna kill him." I mutter, reaching into the freezer.

"Baby." She says softly, and I turn around, not expecting that nickname from her, and when I do, she's looking at me with pity. "Boxing is your life, you love this. He's just pushing you, and you know he truly doesn't mean it. Just keep your mind strong, you've got this."

"I know, I'm just... insecure?" I question my words, not really liking my honesty. I move her legs from atop of the desk, and take their place, leaning on it. "It's been so long, and I don't want to disappoint dad on Saturday."

"Dad?" She whispers, tears forming in her eyes.

"Oh, fuck. Please don't cry." I beg, shaking my head at her.

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