Chapter 20: fighting for it

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Today is the day.

I finally get to see my boyfriend fight in the ring.

I've watched him train so hard this week, sometimes not finishing in the gym until ten PM. He doesn't complain, he just gets on with it, and I think I'm more worried and nervous about this match than he is.

I'm so scared for him.

I've not seen a boxing match before – I've seen him train in the gym, but I have no clue what he's like in a competitive head space. He's warned me that it can get dirty, especially when it comes to some of the opposing players, but with a good ref, the match should be okay.

But what scares me the most is Ethan has a short fuse, one press of a certain button will set him off. Anything involving his family, and – in the least egotistical way ever – me, I don't think he'd hesitate to screw the rules and fuck them up.

"What are you thinking of wearing?" Lauren asks, lying on my bed, spooning Bear.

"I wanted to wear a dress, but I think I'm going to wear jeans." I mutter, snatching another Pringle from Matt, who has fallen asleep with the can in his hand.

"You'll look nice with either... I'm going to wear a dress, I think." She tells me.

"I would, but I guess I'm just scared. A dress is quite easy access and I can't not think about the risk, so I might as well wear something hard to get into." I mumble, and she looks at me sympathetically. "It's okay. I'm fine."

"You're not the only person who thinks these things, you know? I think those things too, so does Hanna – I think every girl does." She says, and Hanna nods, sucking on a cherry sucker. "But, we're not leaving you tonight. If you need the bathroom, we're all going with you. If you want to go get some fresh air, we'll go with you. No one is leaving anyone tonight. I'm not drinking, so I'm sticking with you. If you want to wear a dress, you should wear one."

"She's right." Hanna chimes in, and I look over at her. She's sat at the bottom of my bed, whereas I'm sat at the bottom of Matt's. "Every time I go out, I feel that insecurity. When I was younger I literally used to shave at the possibility because my friends used to tell me all these horror stories. So, just know that you're not alone. What happened to you... it shouldn't have happened, and I wish I could take it all away from you. But tonight nothing will happen because, us girls, we're sticking together."

"Okay... okay, yeah, I'll wear a dress. Thank you." I whisper, feeling a little better about the situation. I always thought what I was feeling was a little... irrational, but knowing they feel that too, it assures me more than I thought.

Before the club incident in December, I'd never really thought about the possibility of it, which now seems stupid. I'd heard of it happening, of course; I don't live under a rock, but I guess, no one expects it to happen to yourself. I never had the insecurity the girls share, not until now – I'm used to getting cat-called, my ass grabbed at parties, and guys pushing themselves onto me. But I never was worried about it happening.

"What color is everyone wearing?" I wonder, and Matt whines in response. I lean over him and pout. "Aww, did I wake the baby?"

"Shut the fuck up." Matt grumbles into the pillow.

"Leave him alone." Hanna whispers, and I purse my lips, sitting back down near his feet. "I'm going to wear blue, I think."

"I'm wearing whatever will fit me." Lauren lets out a laugh.

"I think I'm going to wear... God, I don't know. Help me, girls." I plea with them.

"Wear black – that's what color his robe and gloves are, right? Also, you look sexy as fuck in black." Hanna points out, and I hum, standing up.

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